(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

-b3k's- napisao:

Plava linija ti je katastrofa. Moraš se potrudit i popravit to. Value Value Value. Plaćat će te sa 3. parom sva 3 streeta, većina igrača na NL5 je užaš i overplaya više manje sve tipove hendova. Nemoj se zamarat svojim statsima uopće. To što igraš 30/28 te ne čini LAG-om niti te 20/18 čini TAG-om. Graf je ok, ali moraš više dobivat na showdownu i ako uz to još uspiješ imat crvenu u plusu bit će perfektno, al nemoj se zamarat tolko s tom crvenom.

pokusat cu smile
hvala na komentaru...


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

hicpra napisao:

cim se pomiris s cinjenicom da i riba moze imat hand, krenut ce ti i plava linija gore..pod uvjetom da se drzis svoje igre i prestanes callati betove kada znas da si beatan..

takoder sam odigrao malo preko 25k handova na ovom limitu i znam kakvih sve pacijenata ima tu..

trenutno ta plava uporno bjezi od ove EV linije i samo se nadam ce to uskoro zavrsit pa da mogu nastaviti prema gore smile... ali slazem se s tobom da moram priznati da nekad riba ipak ima hand big_smile... btw, danas sam sa KK 4 puta i sa QQ 2 puta naletio na AA... ni jednom nisam uspio suckoutat...


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

evo jos jedan mali update, da ljudi ne pomisle da postam samo kad me ide... trenutno sam upao u takvu crnu zonu da je to strasno... natkupljuju me ribe redovno i blue line ide u totalno krivom smjeru iako ne bi teoretski trebala... zanima me jel bi trebo sta mjenjat sto se igre tice ili je to samo nekakva "nesretna" faza u kojoj sam trenutno  neutral ... sve u svemu zadnja 3 dana su pakleno losa sto se tice casha (nije ni na turnirima puno bolje) pa evo slika smile



(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

evo nastavka... graf i pozicije zasad, dakle jos nekih 50-ak $ zarade kad bude pokusat cu na NL10...



(57 odgovora, objavljenih u Staking)

hendrixjimmi napisao:

mislim da se propast najvise hvata za glavu!

lol  lol


(1 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker Transakcije)

rjeseno je s robom...


(57 odgovora, objavljenih u Staking)

ma dobar je bio pf call... da nije hitao srednji par i flush draw, ne bi ispao sa turnira... jbg, nisi imao srece...


(1 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker Transakcije)

trebam 300$ na mb, saljem na starse...


(69 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

gg croman smile

niveaformen napisao:

Helmuth može beatat kaj god hoće

hahahahahhaha lol  lol


(9 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

RufMichAn666 napisao:
andro napisao:

Ne da se hvalim ali znam da ču ove godine pobijediti na FACE THE PRO i osvojit cu preko 100000 eura, kaj to nije super???

smile Bila ti je burna noc s petka na subotu,eh?



(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

Andre_787 napisao:

27% prf early... 30% sb vpip yikes
mozda prolazi na nl5 ali mislim da ce te to dovodit u puno vise problema na nl25+
position iz posihun!

sexy red line

neznam dal si pratio prije projekt... rekao sam tamo negdje ranije da inace ne igram ovako... ovo je pokusaj LAG igre koja inace nije moja... inace sam ja TAG i na NL2 mi je to bilo dobro... beatao sam limit al mi je trebalo dosta vremena... pa sam odlucio pokusati sa jednom izrazenom LAG igrom da pokusam NL5 beatat sto prije i rekao sam ako ovo ne bude funkcioniralo da cu se vratit na igru koju znam igrat smile
dakle ovo je vise neki kao eksperiment pa da vidimo dokle ce me dovest big_smile
razlog je jedino to sto se ne zelim zadrzati na NL5 predugo, vec bih htio postati regular na NL10 sto je prije moguce gdje bih pokusao pronaci neku igru izmedju ovog sto sam radim i onog sto sam na NL2 igrao... imas dolje statse za pozicija sa NL2 pa mozes i to prokomentirati ako zelis smile


a sto se tice VPIP u sb-u, to je samo zbog PFR-a u sb-u tako tongue


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

evo jos jedan mali update... presao sam malo vise od pola puta na NL5... cilj je zaradit 150$ pa preci na NL10 sa nekih 30-ak BI uz sve bonuse koje dobivam (moguce da bude cak i vise)... i dalje idem prema gore sto je dobro smile... plava linija je i dalje losa ali nije mi to ni bitno toliko dokle god je profit tu big_smile... sto se tice agresije OOP pokusavam to smanjit al izgleda da nije tako lako kako sam mislio big_smile
no da ne duljim evo vam graf ukupni, te statsi sa pozicija pa ako se nekom da neka malo to prokomentira...



(19 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostalo)

neda mi edit, pa evo ti ovdje... mozda ti to pomogne...


(19 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostalo)

e neznam kak je za tilt, al na starsima je ova "hyper-simple" stvarno super tema... smile


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

evo imam sad jos sat vremena prije nego krenem na trening, pa cu sad postat te handove (sto stignem)... nesto su i bad beatovi, nisu sve cooleri... onako neki brzinski odabir big_smile
neda mi se pisati statse za sve villiane s kojima sam igrao sta pa ako vas nesto zanima samo pitajte pa vam napisem...


PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

UTG ($5)
MP (kriss1991) ($7.33)
CO ($5.07)
BTN ($2.55)
SB ($14.44)
BB ($5)

Dealt to MP (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3D.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG folds, MP (kriss1991) raises to $0.15, CO raises to $0.45, BTN & SB & BB fold, MP (kriss1991) calls $0.3

Flop: (Pot is $0.97, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TH.png
MP (kriss1991) checks, CO bets $0.7, MP (kriss1991) raises to $3, CO raises to $4.62 (All-In), MP (kriss1991) calls $1.62

Turn: (Pot is $10.21, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TH.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png

River: (Pot is $10.21, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png

MP (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3D.png
(Three of a Kind, Threes)

CO shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4H.png
(Flush, Ten high)

Total Pot: $10.21 | Rake: $0.5

CO wins $9.71

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

BTN ($5.56)
SB ($5.82)
BB ($5.44)
UTG (kriss1991) ($7.59)
MP ($11.93)
CO ($5)

Dealt to UTG (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QS.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG (kriss1991) raises to $0.2, MP folds, CO calls $0.2, BTN folds, SB calls $0.18, BB calls $0.15

Flop: (Pot is $0.8, 4 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png
SB checks, BB checks, UTG (kriss1991) checks, CO checks

Turn: (Pot is $0.8, 4 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TD.png
SB checks, BB bets $0.15, UTG (kriss1991) raises to $0.45, CO & SB fold, BB raises to $0.75, UTG (kriss1991) raises to $2.2, BB raises to $3.8, UTG (kriss1991) raises to $7.39 (All-In), BB calls $1.44 (All-In),

River: (Pot is $11.28, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TD.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8H.png

BB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AH.png
(Flush, Ace high)

UTG (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QS.png
(Straight, Ace high)

Total Pot: $11.28 | Rake: $0.56

BB wins $10.72

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

SB ($7.44)
BB (kriss1991) ($11.46)

Dealt to BB (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

SB raises to $0.15, BB (kriss1991) raises to $0.6, SB calls $0.45

Flop: (Pot is $1.2, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png
BB (kriss1991) bets $0.7, SB calls $0.7

Turn: (Pot is $2.6, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png
BB (kriss1991) bets $1.5, SB raises to $3, BB (kriss1991) raises to $10.16 (All-In), SB calls $3.14 (All-In),

River: (Pot is $14.88, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2D.png

SB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AH.png
(Three of a Kind, Sixes)

BB (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png
(Two Pair, Kings and Sixes)

Total Pot: $14.88 | Rake: $0.5

SB wins $14.38

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

SB ($13.09)
BB ($5.71)
UTG (kriss1991) ($5.54)
CO ($12.88)
BTN ($7.14)

Dealt to UTG (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG (kriss1991) raises to $0.15, CO calls $0.15, BTN calls $0.15, SB & BB fold

Flop: (Pot is $0.52, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TC.png
UTG (kriss1991) bets $0.4, CO calls $0.4, BTN calls $0.4

Turn: (Pot is $1.72, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TC.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png
UTG (kriss1991) bets $1.2, CO calls $1.2, BTN folds

River: (Pot is $4.12, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TH.png
UTG (kriss1991) bets $1.9, CO raises to $3.8, UTG (kriss1991) calls $1.89 (All-In),

UTG (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png
(Three of a Kind, Tens)

CO shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4H.png
(Flush, Queen high)

Total Pot: $11.7 | Rake: $0.57

CO wins $11.13

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

BB ($6.34)
UTG ($5.84)
BTN (kriss1991) ($8.58)
SB ($5)

Dealt to BTN (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG folds, BTN (kriss1991) raises to $0.15, SB folds, BB calls $0.1

Flop: (Pot is $0.32, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png
BB checks, BTN (kriss1991) bets $0.18, BB calls $0.18

Turn: (Pot is $0.68, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2D.png
BB checks, BTN (kriss1991) bets $0.4, BB raises to $0.95, BTN (kriss1991) calls $0.55

River: (Pot is $2.58, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2D.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png
BB bets $2.21, BTN (kriss1991) raises to $7.3 (All-In), BB calls $2.85 (All-In),

BB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8S.png
(Full House, Eights over Threes)

BTN (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png
(Full House, Threes over Queens)

Total Pot: $12.7 | Rake: $0.62

BB wins $12.08

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

BTN ($13.81)
SB ($15.68)
BB (kriss1991) ($5)
UTG ($5.9)
MP ($5.55)
CO ($1.54)

Dealt to BB (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TD.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG calls $0.05, MP & CO & BTN & SB fold, BB (kriss1991) raises to $0.2, UTG raises to $0.4, BB (kriss1991) calls $0.2

Flop: (Pot is $0.82, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png
BB (kriss1991) checks, UTG bets $0.3, BB (kriss1991) calls $0.3

Turn: (Pot is $1.42, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png
BB (kriss1991) checks, UTG bets $1, BB (kriss1991) raises to $3, UTG raises to $5.2 (All-In), BB (kriss1991) calls $1.3 (All-In),

River: (Pot is $10.02, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png

BB (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TD.png
(Two Pair, Tens and Threes)

UTG shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AH.png
(Two Pair, Aces and Threes)

Total Pot: $10.02 | Rake: $0.49

UTG wins $9.53

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

UTG ($7.62)
CO ($3.9)
BTN (kriss1991) ($5.44)
SB ($5)
BB ($9.2)

Dealt to BTN (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG & CO fold, BTN (kriss1991) raises to $0.15, SB raises to $0.5, BB folds, BTN (kriss1991) calls $0.35

Flop: (Pot is $1.05, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png
SB checks, BTN (kriss1991) bets $0.75, SB raises to $2.62, BTN (kriss1991) raises to $4.94 (All-In), SB calls $1.88 (All-In),

Turn: (Pot is $10.05, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8C.png

River: (Pot is $10.05, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8C.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png

BTN (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png
(Two Pair, Aces and Kings)

SB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png
(Full House, Sixes over Kings)

Total Pot: $10.05 | Rake: $0.5

SB wins $9.55

PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.02
Big Blind: $0.05

BTN ($4.35)
SB ($5.86)
BB ($4.79)
UTG ($5.05)
MP ($6.11)
CO (kriss1991) ($5)

Dealt to CO (kriss1991)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.07)

UTG & MP fold, CO (kriss1991) raises to $0.15, BTN folds, SB raises to $0.6, BB folds, CO (kriss1991) calls $0.45

Flop: (Pot is $1.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JC.png
SB checks, CO (kriss1991) bets $0.7, SB calls $0.7

Turn: (Pot is $2.65, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JC.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png
SB checks, CO (kriss1991) bets $1.5, SB calls $1.5

River: (Pot is $5.65, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png
SB bets $1, CO (kriss1991) raises to $2.2 (All-In), SB calls $1.2

SB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JS.png
(Four of a Kind, Jacks)

CO (kriss1991) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png
(Straight, Ace high)

Total Pot: $10.05 | Rake: $0.48

SB wins $9.57


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

ma znam da je showdown katastrofa, al kao sto rekoh najmanje 15$ su samo cooleri, veci dio je tilt zbog toga a ima i dosta krivog reada (cesto mislim da me villian blefa, posto je na NL2 to cesto pa nikako da skontam da nije to bas skroz isto i ovdje)... postat cu veceras te handove na kojima sam puno spusio pa bih volio da malo prokomentirate ako vam se da...

pokusavam igrat stvarno LAG jer se nezelim zadrzati predugo na NL5... ukoliko igra ne bude profitabilna, ja se lako vratim na svoju TAG igru koju sam NL2 igrao big_smile
al iskreno i ja sam neznam dal je samo dobar run ili se isplati igrati na ovaj nacin, pa tako da i mene zanima sta ce se dogodit big_smile


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

evo da malo update-am projekt... napravio sam jucer dopsit od jos 200$ i imam pravo na jos jedan... to cu napravit isto uskoro (300$) pa sam s time uplatio svih 600$ koje sam mogao... igram LAG i cini mi se da se na NL5 to jako dobro isplati... imo sam coolera stvarno puno pa tak da ono tiltam zbog toga (ne previse, al svejedno bude glupih playeva) big_smile
evo vam graf dosada sto sam odigrao i statsi sa pojedinih pozicija....



(225 odgovora, objavljenih u Turniri)

ma da pa glupan je mali, al svejedno pola miljuna je pola miljuna...


(533 odgovora, objavljenih u Zabava)

neznam dali je itko prije stavio ovaj video (neda mi se pregledavat cijeli topic), najjaca scena HSP ikad  lol  lol  lol


(225 odgovora, objavljenih u Turniri)

jebote malom ce uzet pola milijuna dolara... pa ja bi ubio nekog da sam on...


(14 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

gg... cestitam


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

na vise stolova KK mi je instant call, ovdje sam imao samo 8 stolova i 6betani pot pa sam imao vremena razmislit malo o handu...
a sto se tice massanja stolova, to sam poceo radit kad mi je ostalo jos 7 dana da skupim 650 vppa da bi stekao silver status, pa sam pokusao igrat prvo 18, pa onda vise (do 24) stolova i bio sam u plusu...


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

-b3k's- napisao:

Foldat KK 100BB deep na NL5 vs unknowna je loše. Možeš razmišljat o foldu, ali ne možeš foldat jer NIKAD nećeš imat tolko dobar read da ćeš moć protivnika stavit na AA. Na NL5 ima igrča koji igraju 11/9 sa 2% 3beta pa se znaju tu i tam zastekat sa QJs ili tak nekim smećem. Jednostavno je to loše i moraš bit spreman stavit sve pare unutra i jebat majku ak ima AA, al eto...

zato i jesam callao... foldao vjerojatno ne bi nikako, pa sam zato i napisao da sam samo razmisljao o tome smile
KK neznam dal sam ikad pf foldao tako da nisam ni ovdje, al kazem bilo mi je to sve sumnjivo, jer i sad kad gledam taj hand nemogu vjerovat da nitko od njih nije imao aseve...


(37 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

zed napisao:

wtf, kako razumiješ zašto je razmišljao o foldanju?
valjda bi trebao uvijek gurat vs unknowna, a samo protiv protivnika kojeg već znaš i imaš jebačkedobresigurne readove razmišljat o foldanju.

inače, savjetujem ti da baš ne massaš stolove, ako pereš sad 8-10 ostani na tome. ako pak misliš da si dovoljno dobar da možeš automatizirano prat i riješavat boga na masu stolova, onda ti je bolje uzimat shotove na veće stejkove (u ovom slučaju nl10).
nemoj bit grinding bot ko većina poker populacije, brže ćeš si unaprijedit igru.

na NL2 sam igrao 18-24 stolova smile
i profit je tu... zato cu vjerojatno s vremenom dodavat jos stolova...
a sto se tice NL10 nadam se da cu i tamo krenit igrat do kraja ovog mjeseca...
a za kraljeve vidim da svi milse da je fishy opce razmisljat o foldanju kraljeva pa tako da sad znam zaubuduce big_smile