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we’re closing your Everest Poker account— cash out your funds now!
Due to our interpretation of your local laws and regulations, Everest Poker will no longer accept any bets from your country and will close your account on October 10. All of your Summit Points and tickets have been converted into cash.
Use your funds to play at Everest Poker until October 10th. After that date, you will no longer be able to play, but you can still withdraw your funds.
Cist tolko me zanima dali su i drugi dobili ovu obavijest. Dakle, danas sam dobio mail da everest poker vise ne prihvaca igrace iz hrv. Imam rok do 10.10.2012 da isplatim lovu i onda ce moj account bit zatvoren. Znam da ce se uskoro everest zatvorit, odnosno da skin prelazi u Ipoker network. Ali malo me iznenadila ova vijest i jos se oporavljam od soka. :S
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