Slucajno naiso na ovo na 2+2, star je post pa ga vjerojatno mnogi znate, ali brutalno je.. Uglavnom lik se slucajno registriro na 5600$ HU SNG, inace je grindao 30-50$ HU SNG


chat je epic:

Dr. Fells [observer]: why dont u let him fold out to u..and u transfer?
Dealer: IfIHadItAll, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
coolmeod: support will come
Dealer: Game #10422886665: coolmeod wins pot (100)
coolmeod: ill give him his fee back
Dealer: coolmeod, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
Dealer: coolmeod has timed out - hand is folded
coolmeod: ill give u 150 extra
Dealer: Game #10422890780: IfIHadItAll wins pot (100)
Dr. Fells [observer]: does'nt seem to eant to be a decnt guy
Dealer: coolmeod, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
coolmeod: ok?
coolmeod: deal?
Dealer: coolmeod has timed out - hand is folded
Dealer: Game #10422897642: IfIHadItAll wins pot (200)
Dr. Fells [observer]: dont rely on support at this point...try to win imo
coolmeod: i trust him
Dealer: coolmeod, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
coolmeod: its only fair
Dr. Fells [observer]: he siad no
coolmeod: so deal?
Dealer: coolmeod has timed out - hand is folded
Dr. Fells [observer]: u better play
Dealer: Game #10422905640: IfIHadItAll wins pot (100)
Dealer: Limits going up: blinds 75/150
HostMathewV [Support]: Hey players
IfIHadItAll: i never said deal
coolmeod: here he is
coolmeod: stop it please
IfIHadItAll: plz paue
Dealer: IfIHadItAll, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
IfIHadItAll: plz pause
coolmeod: pause
Dealer: The break will start when the current hand finishes
IfIHadItAll: chk this hand down
Dealer: coolmeod has a pair of Jacks
Dealer: IfIHadItAll has two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Dealer: Game #10422913519: IfIHadItAll wins pot (300) with two pair, Jacks and Sevens
Administrator: .The tournament has been paused to allow the remaining players to discuss a deal.
IfIHadItAll: ok....support
coolmeod: please be reasonable
IfIHadItAll: here's the story
coolmeod: even if u had a bad day
IfIHadItAll: he accidentally registered
IfIHadItAll: or so
coolmeod: host i entered this by mistake
HostMathewV [Support]: yeah, I understand the situation
IfIHadItAll: thats not my fault
coolmeod: i wasnt registered lomger than 20 seconds
Administrator: WSOP: $2+R turbo to $33+R Qualifier @ 23:30 starts in 10 minutes. To register see T52348289 under the Events/WSOP/CashSatellites tab.
Administrator: $27+R satellite to Sunday's $370 WSOP Qualifier [150 seats guaranteed!] starts in 10 minutes. To register see T52343419 under the Events/WSOP/CashSatellite tab.
HostMathewV [Support]: unfortunately we can't do anything about that
IfIHadItAll: support
IfIHadItAll: can i ask what a chip breakdwon would be
coolmeod: im willing to give him his fee
HostMathewV [Support]: sure, just a sec
coolmeod: and up to 200 for the mistake
IfIHadItAll: we're going to get a chip breakdown
coolmeod: if i
coolmeod: come on
HostMathewV [Support]: ok here we go - IfIHadItAll $6,730.00 , coolmeod $4,270.00
coolmeod: i told u its not my money
IfIHadItAll: i accept that deal
coolmeod: i only own 800 from this
IfIHadItAll: that's the deal, take it or play
coolmeod: 6000k for him 5000k for me its what i can accept
IfIHadItAll: u lose 1300 based off that
coolmeod: im giving u a lot
coolmeod: u saw how many hands i didnt bet the nuts
coolmeod: come on
IfIHadItAll: i would never have called those hands
coolmeod: i had a boat
coolmeod: didnt bet
IfIHadItAll: accept the deal
IfIHadItAll: or play
coolmeod: i never raised
IfIHadItAll: im sorry you made a mistake
coolmeod: if i come on
coolmeod: im beggin you
IfIHadItAll: im willing to do a chip breakdown for you
IfIHadItAll: which means u only lose 1300 and change
coolmeod: im willing to lose all the money i own
IfIHadItAll: which is easily fair
coolmeod: i cant give away money thats not mine
IfIHadItAll: are you playing on someone else's acct?
coolmeod: i can only lose 800 plzzzzz
coolmeod: no its mine
IfIHadItAll: then its your $
coolmeod: just someone has money here to be safe
coolmeod: see how bad would i look
Chisness [observer]: lll
coolmeod: what can i telll my friend
coolmeod: come on
Chisness [observer]: dbo
IfIHadItAll: im sorry
coolmeod: its 800 mine
coolmeod: the rest is him
IfIHadItAll: take a $1300+ loss and pay him $500 later
coolmeod: he tranfers here and i give it back
coolmeod: wow
coolmeod: come on im beggin you
IfIHadItAll: im being fair
Chisness [observer]: who's in the pic?
Dr. Fells [observer]: why not give the kid a break, huh?
coolmeod: u are not fai
coolmeod: uu know i never bet
coolmeod: never
coolmeod: i just made time for support
Dr. Fells [observer]: only reason u have the xtra chips was casue of the checked down hand anyway
IfIHadItAll: im sorry sir
coolmeod: give me something better so i can accept
ThePabloShow [observer]: dude do u want him to kiull himself
coolmeod: the last 250 hands was not fair
coolmeod: dont say sir
ThePabloShow [observer]: do u know how much 800 is for a 50$ player?
coolmeod: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
Dr. Fells [observer]: coolmeod..there are nice people in this world..and not so nice...this guys bot budgubg...either give him the $1300 or play
IfIHadItAll: well maybe he shouldnt register for a $5600 tourney
coolmeod: i just went up to 50
coolmeod: i played 30
Dr. Fells [observer]: he's not going to help u
HostMathewV [Support]: I'm turning off observer chat
coolmeod: it was a honest mistake
coolmeod: mathwe
coolmeod: cant u cance the whole tournament?
IfIHadItAll: look, im sorry you made the mistake
coolmeod: its not like a 100
IfIHadItAll: but you registered for a $5600 tourney
HostMathewV [Support]: I understand that cool.. the tournament cannot be cancelled. the chips are on the table and hands have been played. We're very sorry
IfIHadItAll: and im willing to chip count this for you
coolmeod: u are sorrry im whilling to give u up to 800
coolmeod: its all i own i told u that all the way
coolmeod: everyone is so sorry
IfIHadItAll: im sorry, i cant pay for your mistake
coolmeod: u are not paying
coolmeod: u are winning
coolmeod: if i had it all
coolmeod: lets make chip count with me having 150 more chips
IfIHadItAll: im willing to accept the chip breakdown that matthew came up for us
coolmeod: just fair agrewe?
IfIHadItAll: no, bc i would have raised w/ k7 last hand anyhow
coolmeod: come on
IfIHadItAll: but since matthew got here i told you to check it down
coolmeod: i sent 5 emails if mathew would have come 10 minutes earlier we would be tied
coolmeod: he was here before
coolmeod: u said pause and then call
IfIHadItAll: its best you take $4200 instead of 0
coolmeod: give me 1250 in chips
IfIHadItAll: now you want to play it out?
IfIHadItAll: just take the chip count deal, pay your friend his $
IfIHadItAll: and find a way to pay him $500 offline
coolmeod: 1250 is more than reasonable
coolmeod: please
IfIHadItAll: im not re-starting this giving you more chips
coolmeod: we dont have to restart
IfIHadItAll: u just said u wanted to go to 1250 in chips
coolmeod: let me have 4600 dollars ok?
coolmeod: he can do the deal as if i had 1250 chips
coolmeod: he can do ANYTHING but cancel it
IfIHadItAll: take $4270
IfIHadItAll: as it says
coolmeod: right host?
HostMathewV [Support]: that's pretty much correct. I can place whatever numbers in, but I cannot cancel the tourney
Administrator: $16 turbo Double Shootout to Sunday's $370 WSOP Qualifier [150 seats guaranteed!] starts in 10 minutes. To register see T52342212 under the Events/WSOP/Cash Satellites tab. One seat guaranteed.
IfIHadItAll: im not giving you more chips
coolmeod: can we have chip count with me having 1250
coolmeod: him 1750
coolmeod: can we have thse numbers
HostMathewV [Support]: sure.. are you still willing to give him the extra $200 with those number haditall?
IfIHadItAll: dude i would have raised and you would have folded last hand
IfIHadItAll: no im sorry
HostMathewV [Support]: no problem.
IfIHadItAll: im being extremely fair
coolmeod: u are?
IfIHadItAll: allowing for a chip count deal
coolmeod: say: i swear im being fair...i want life to judge me as fair as i am
coolmeod: say that and u have the deal
IfIHadItAll: i do swear im being fair
coolmeod: ok deal
coolmeod: i agree to the ************** chip count
IfIHadItAll: 6730 to me
coolmeod: whatever mathew said
IfIHadItAll: i agree to 6730 to me
HostMathewV [Support]: OK, I'll just reiterate those numbers
HostMathewV [Support]: note that I got these numbers from percentage of chip counts and then gave cool and extra $200 per haditall's request
IfIHadItAll: no no no
coolmeod: wow
IfIHadItAll: i never said an extra 200
HostMathewV [Support]: oh sorry.. I believed you said that previously
coolmeod: ifihad it all do u relize the image u are crating for urself?
coolmeod: all high stakes people are watching this
IfIHadItAll: this will be on 2+2 im sure
IfIHadItAll: look, im sorry that you made a mistake
HostMathewV [Support]: ok, I will do it by chip count.. just a second
IfIHadItAll: and for that
IfIHadItAll: im allowing for a chip count deal
coolmeod: u are not sorry
coolmeod: u are being a thief
HostMathewV [Support]: sure - here they are - IfIHadItAll $6,930.00 , coolmeod $4,070.00
HostMathewV [Support]: sorry about the previous mix-up
IfIHadItAll: 6930 to me, i had clicked a typo before
coolmeod: sure ill also will have to forgive u the 10 minutes it took u to come here
HostMathewV [Support]: no problem.
IfIHadItAll: do u agree to 6930/4070
IfIHadItAll: i agree
coolmeod: ifihad...take 10 seconds and put urself in my sit
IfIHadItAll: honestly if i was in your seat
IfIHadItAll: id be ecstatic was getting 4070 back
coolmeod: and tell me you would think the other person was being reaonable
coolmeod: i could have won
coolmeod: if we had same stacks it was a toss with the blinds
coolmeod: i told u since the beggining
coolmeod: before a hand was dealt
coolmeod: put urself in my place
IfIHadItAll: yes i understand that
IfIHadItAll: but support did not get here
IfIHadItAll: and i had to protect myself
IfIHadItAll: and had to play it out
coolmeod: if u want we cant talk on msn or email
IfIHadItAll: unsure if a deal would ever take place
coolmeod: u didnt had anything to lose
coolmeod: usure
IfIHadItAll: i certainly had a lot to lose
coolmeod: i told u i email support 4 times
IfIHadItAll: you could have been angle shooting
coolmeod: i never lied to you
IfIHadItAll: i dont know you
coolmeod: im not
IfIHadItAll: i have to protect myself in this spot
coolmeod: u are protected
coolmeod: u always have been
IfIHadItAll: please either accept the deal or lets play it out
coolmeod: just be more resonable plese if you can
IfIHadItAll: im being reasonable and my position will not change
coolmeod: add me on msn coolmeod@hotmail.com
coolmeod: or email me
IfIHadItAll: sir, please make a decision
coolmeod: why couldnt have been elky or stevebets the one who sat down
coolmeod: where did u learn to say sir?
coolmeod: sir = being decent
coolmeod: thats the point
IfIHadItAll: deal or no deal?
coolmeod: deal
IfIHadItAll: ok 6930 to me, 4070 to him matthew
coolmeod: and let karma have the last word
IfIHadItAll: sorry
HostMathewV [Support]: OK, so it's - IfIHadItAll $6,930.00 , coolmeod $4,070.00
coolmeod: if i was you i would withdraw inmediatly
HostMathewV [Support]: Please type "I Agree" if you agree to this deal.
IfIHadItAll: i agree
coolmeod: what a man can do to offset 3% of his loses
coolmeod: i agree
HostMathewV [Support]: Ok, that's a deal players. You will have to play out the tournament, and I will fix the numbers afterwards.
coolmeod: mathew email me please with someone i can talk to about this situation
IfIHadItAll: play out the tourney with nothing at stake?
coolmeod: at stake is ur IMAGE
Dealer: coolmeod, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
Dealer: coolmeod, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
coolmeod: when u lose another 36 k playingt poker
HostMathewV [Support]: sure cool, just email me now with your question and the email will come straight into my box.
coolmeod: remmeber this time
Dealer: coolmeod has timed out - hand is folded
Dealer: Game #10423294205: IfIHadItAll wins pot (300)
coolmeod: ok i will
Dealer: IfIHadItAll, it's your turn. You have 12 seconds to act
Dealer: coolmeod has a pair of Jacks
Dealer: IfIHadItAll has three of a kind, Jacks
IfIHadItAll: i would have won
Dealer: Game #10423306458: IfIHadItAll wins pot (1920) with three of a kind, Jacks
Dealer: coolmeod finished the tournament in 2nd place
Dealer: IfIHadItAll wins the tournament - congratulations!
IfIHadItAll [observer]: u got 4k
coolmeod [observer]: thaknks to the ones who tried to help me
coolmeod [observer]: pabloshow and the others
coolmeod [observer]: go away little rat
ThePabloShow [observer]: no prob
ThePabloShow [observer]: good luck man
coolmeod [observer]: u will see the games u will get from now on
Dr. Fells [observer]: yea..we tried
Dr. Fells [observer]: guys a lowlife
ThePabloShow [observer]: was it JMs money?
Dr. Fells [observer]: nothing u can do
coolmeod [observer]: i cant say more here
coolmeod [observer]: i was decent about it the whole way
coolmeod [observer]: i had a boat and other great hands
coolmeod [observer]: he is just a loser
Dr. Fells [observer]: yup...like u said...u got the wrong opponent
coolmeod [observer]: and found a way to make up 3% of his loses




Grozno ...
Zato imam ja filtere namjescene kako spada pa mi se pokazu samo turniri koje ja igram  big_smile
Jednom sam se na ipoker mrezi zajebo pa registriro na na omaha turnir  pa kad sam vidio kolko karti imam sam 15 minuta samo foldo i cito pravila na netu  lol



Ovo se zove scared money!



mAg1c napisao:

Grozno ...
Zato imam ja filtere namjescene kako spada pa mi se pokazu samo turniri koje ja igram  big_smile
Jednom sam se na ipoker mrezi zajebo pa registriro na na omaha turnir  pa kad sam vidio kolko karti imam sam 15 minuta samo foldo i cito pravila na netu  lol

Ajde omaha je ok, ali kad se registriraš na limit holdem tourney...  yikes

Zadnji popravljao salemetal (27-02-2010 03:23:52)



salemetal napisao:
mAg1c napisao:

Grozno ...
Zato imam ja filtere namjescene kako spada pa mi se pokazu samo turniri koje ja igram  big_smile
Jednom sam se na ipoker mrezi zajebo pa registriro na na omaha turnir  pa kad sam vidio kolko karti imam sam 15 minuta samo foldo i cito pravila na netu  lol

Ajde omaha je ok, ali kad se registriraš na limit holdem tourney...  yikes

heh tako sam i ja na omahu kad sam se slucajno reg. cita pravila i igra smile , stud isto tako, onda sam svatija da postoje filteri, a limit holdem sam isto jednom se reg slucajno, i lik nije htio dealat pa sam izasa, nisam ima zivaca igrat ono smile .

Isto tako jednom na 10$ hu lik kaze da je slucajno se reg i da ima samo 20$ na acc, mozemo li deal napravit, jasno da sam prista, stvarno moras bit smrad smrdljivi da postupis ko ovi gore, nemogu virovat da se nekome toliko dalo ciganit za trecinu njegovog buyina             . sramota

imaj cvijetak u reveru, a u ruci bombonjeru...


Frajer je ološ.

A ovaj se nesretni HERO nije uspio od tog događaja oporavit, tako izgleda graf..  sad




Tesko da bi se ja osobno oporavio jebes se tih 1k turnira jos HU i onda tako nesto samo kad bi pomislio di sam bio i onda te jos karta odjebe pa nemoj tiltat dobro da nema rulete na PS ( zato se ne vracam na ipoker  lol )




salemetal napisao:
mAg1c napisao:

Grozno ...
Zato imam ja filtere namjescene kako spada pa mi se pokazu samo turniri koje ja igram  big_smile
Jednom sam se na ipoker mrezi zajebo pa registriro na na omaha turnir  pa kad sam vidio kolko karti imam sam 15 minuta samo foldo i cito pravila na netu  lol

Ajde omaha je ok, ali kad se registriraš na limit holdem tourney...  yikes

Samo jednom al je bio neki freeroll pa nisam ni gledo sta se registiram ili onaj horse ili nesto tako samo sam zatvorio  big_smile

Zadnji popravljao mAg1c (27-02-2010 04:44:54)



mAg1c napisao:

Tesko da bi se ja osobno oporavio jebes se tih 1k turnira jos HU i onda tako nesto samo kad bi pomislio di sam bio i onda te jos karta odjebe pa nemoj tiltat dobro da nema rulete na PS ( zato se ne vracam na ipoker  lol )

hehe, mislio sam sad bas otvorit topic u vezi ruleta, al idem leć sutra cu .... Dosada sam i ja gubio na svim siteovima di ima rulet, al od danas se nesto mozda promjeni  tongue

imaj cvijetak u reveru, a u ruci bombonjeru...