Tema: squeze definicija vezano uz hud
U "the poker blue print" piše ovak:
"Squeezing is when you re-raise a pre-flop raiser with another player in the pot.
Here is a simple squeezing spot. 100 NL – 6 max. 100BB effective stacks.
A weak-tight UTG player limps and CO raises to $5. You have XX on the Button. You 3-bet to $17.
Zanima dal i hem to tak gleda, jer u mom prošlom postanom handu je bila takva situacija (samo da je 3betor bio na blindu) i ja sam gledo liku statse za squeze, ali kolega s foruma kaže da je to obični 3bet, i da sam trebo gledat fold to steal odnosno 3bet to steal.
Ajde nek netko pojasni, prioritet je taj kak hem bilježi ovaj spot.