Tema: Stop ACTA

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NО to the secret agreement!!!

You probably do not know what is ACTA. It is abbreviation for “Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement”. A lot about it is shrouded in secrecy. Ultimately it should protect intellectual property and stop the production of fakes globally. Such a mechanism against fake merchandise is, actually, needed. Everything would have been fine, if three obvious threats were not present:

- ACTA’s limitations far exceed just the authority on fakes, and accept quite a wide definition about “stealing” in internet.
- ACTA practically do not allow countries to form their own laws and enacts imprisonment for minor infractions such as listening to pirate music!
- ACTA have been discussed entirely in secrecy without public discussions and nongovernment organizations.

This is not just about seizing torrents! This contract bounds all countries to give up to multinational corporations any kind of private information regarding presumed criminals and acts outside any legal boundaries in these countries. Those who are to be punished by the law are both the “thieves” who “steal” intellectual property and those who transfer the information – such as internet providers and hosting companies.
It is very poorly explained what exactly is the definition of intellectual property and this may even concern bloggers, mentioning trade mark in a critical article. The same implies to smaller companies, cheaper alternatives and generic medicines, which are, not to the liking of big corporations.

Bulgaria has already signed the treaty.

The European parliament has already come with a resolution against ACTA. It is expected for ratification in June in the European Parliament and this is exactly where it must be rejected!



You can send an e-mail to the Bulgarian representatives in the European parliament with similar to or exactly this text:

I am AGAINST the ratification of ACTA, because I reckon this tramples my right to access and search for information, as well as my personal inviolability, granted by the constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria.
As chosen BY ME, representative in the EP, I demand to protect MY rights, by voting against this shameful treaty!

Metin KAZAK - metin.kazak@europarl.europa.eu
Slavi BINEV - slavi.binev@europarl.europa.eu
Feliz Hakaeva HYUSMENOVA - filizhakaeva.hyusmenova@europarl.europa.eu
Stanimir ILCHEV - stanimir.ilchev@europarl.europa.eu
Iliana Malinova Iotova - ilianamalinova.iotova@europarl.europa.eu
Iliana IVANOVA - iliana.ivanova@europarl.europa.eu
Ivailo KALFIN - ivailo.kalfin@europarl.europa.eu
Evgeni KIRILOV - evgeni.kirilov@europarl.europa.eu
Andrey KOVACHEV - andrey.kovatchev@europarl.europa.eu
Maria NEDELCHEVA - mariya.nedelcheva@europarl.europa.eu
Svetoslav Hristov MALINOV - svetoslavristov.malinov@europarl.europa.eu
Nadezhda NEYNSKY - Nadezhda.Neynsky@europarl.europa.eu
Vladko Todorov PANAYOTOV - vladkotodorov.panayotov@europarl.europa.eu
Antoniya PARVANOVA - antonyia.parvanova@europarl.europa.eu
Dimitar STOYANOV - dimitar.stoyanov@europarl.europa.eu
Emil STEFANOV - emilstefanov.stoyanov@europarl.europa.eu
Vladimir URUTCHEV - vladimir.urutchev@europarl.europa.eu
Kristian VIGENIN - kristian.vigenin@europarl.europa.eu

Names are in different color, as follows:
* Red - "FOR" ACTA
* Green - "AGAINST" ACTA
* Black - "Unspecified" position

(This information will be refreshed according to the publically announced position of the specific member of the parliament)

If you don’t know to whom exactly to address the letter you can send it to all, by copying the e-mails bellow and paste them in the TO field.

metin.kazak@europarl.europa.eu; slavi.binev@europarl.europa.eu; filizhakaeva.hyusmenova@europarl.europa.eu; stanimir.ilchev@europarl.europa.eu; ilianamalinova.iotova@europarl.europa.eu; iliana.ivanova@europarl.europa.eu; ivailo.kalfin@europarl.europa.eu; evgeni.kirilov@europarl.europa.eu; andrey.kovatchev@europarl.europa.eu; mariya.nedelcheva@europarl.europa.eu; svetoslavristov.malinov@europarl.europa.eu; Nadezhda.Neynsky@europarl.europa.eu; vladkotodorov.panayotov@europarl.europa.eu; antonyia.parvanova@europarl.europa.eu; dimitar.stoyanov@europarl.europa.eu; emilstefanov.stoyanov@europarl.europa.eu; vladimir.urutchev@europarl.europa.eu; kristian.vigenin@europarl.europa.eu

More information about ACTA can be received on the blogs of Grigor Gatchev, Boyan Yurukov, Nelly Ognyanova
The e-mail list was taken from the official web page of EP .

Some materials are used from the blog of Boyan Yurukov

The Union for Free Internet (zamunda.net) supports spontaneous protests arranged here and we would like to thank all for the valiant, civil position!

bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona


Re: Stop ACTA

za pocetak malo motivacije: www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/sto-je-acta … 96563.aspx ...

...pa tekst ACTA medjunarodnog sporazuma:
http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2 … 147937.pdf

molim da citate s razumijevanjem. citat kriticki i upitat se koji kurac i sto ovo konkretno znaci i zasto je ovako maglovito napisano.

ovo nisu stvari tamo negdje u picki materinoj koje su nekome nesto, a nama nista neg se ticu svih nas pa bi bilo ok glasat na http://www.avaaz.org/en/eu_save_the_int … amp;pv=268
svaki glas je dobrodosao.

kako (globalno) vecinu ugl. zanima kako bit sto veci glupan, bolje se najest, napit i drkat po fejsu uopce ne sumnjam da ce tek 1 od 12 ljudi zapravo i procitat (ne otvorit i preletit) ovo gore linkano tj. da ce sve ovo bit jedan solidan fail tipa 22/1/2012 wee...



Re: Stop ACTA

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Re: Stop ACTA

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Re: Stop ACTA

svaka cast poljacima !!