Tema: Verneers Guide to Todays Small Stakes 6 max NLHE Games
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tekst sa 2+2 o cemu se radi : "In case you have not noticed, last night Verneer announced AND released his latest e-book effort called " Verneers Guide to Todays Small Stakes 6 max NLHE Games "
What makes this different than his last release, which helped educate the full ring/6 max poker player, is that this is a sort of mini version which will also be the first in a whole series of NEW educational releases.
Think of it, if you are familiar with the Cardrunners " Quickie " style video, a similar style, just in an e-book form.
For those not familiar, CR often releases educational videos which are approx. 45 minutes in length but they also have a " Quickie " format which is geared more in the range of a 15 minute lesson for those who have some time on their hands, feel like a poker lesson but cannot commit to the " normal " viewing times needed for the usual viewing experience.
In this new release, Verneer walks you through 17 of his hand histories in which he opens in early position, is called by one player and he has position over the caller."
s-1301181/ ovdje je link za cijeli topic o tome ( nisam siguran smije li se stavljati ovaj link ako se ne smije maknite ga )
http://speedy.sh/ajTAR/verneerNLHE1.pdf ovdje sam stavio taj prvi dio pa se slobodno posluzite