Tema: Tilt breaker je kul!
Super je stvar, al mi nešto često neda da igram!!
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prijava odnosno registracija za objavu odgovora
Ako nije problem aj mi reci kako točno taj program funkcionira
Ima više funkcija, ali ugl. se sve svode oko toga da se prekine session + neke dodatne funkcije. Ja ga koristim za 2 stvari.. da mi prekine kad izgubim X big blindova te mi neda da upalim stolove sljedećih X minuta ili kada izgubim X novaca. Također mi svakih 40min iskoči prozor da je prošlo tolko vremena pa uzimam pauzu...
Ugl. ja ga prepručam svima koji imaju problema s kontrolom samog sebe bilo po pitanju tilta ili neuzimanja pauza.
Moram priznat da se i meni sviđa.
Isprobajem trial verziju i djeluje mi puno isplativije uložit novce u ovo nego gađat mišem u monitor
Aj da ne otvaram novu temu ako može još jedno pitanje (ne nužno tebi).
Nisam neko vrime igra na starsima i idem jučer isprobat onu easy seat opciju.
I kako me stavlja po stolovima vidim na jednom imam 130bb, na drugom 170, na trećem 123.
Kako da namistim da mi auto buy-in bude do 100bb?
Pod options - auto buy-in (ring games) mi je namišteno svugdi do 100bb ali svejedno me baca po tim deep stolovima.
Unaprid zahvaljujem
Postaj screen autobuyin, autorebuy i easyseat windowa. Ak to imas dobro namjesteno, i ako se ne radi o tome da se joinas na stolove na kojima si vec igrao (dakle da ti stavlja session minimum na stol) onda je bug.
Možda je ovo:
A new Buy-In Obligations feature has been deployed across the entire Big Bet Ring Games offering.
Players impacted will be those who frequently:
1. Buy in for less than the maximum allowed buy-in
2. Play some hands
3. Leave the table with a larger stack than they originally brought to the table
4. Sit down at a similar table with a smaller stack size than they had when they left their prior tablePlayers currently must attempt to repeat this behavior at similar table types more than eight times in a 20-hour period in order to be restricted by this feature. Such players will be required to buy in for a higher minimum when sitting at certain tables; they will not be impacted in any other way.
When you pass the limit, your minimum buy-in will be replaced by the stack size you had previously left a table with. This is the reason this feature is titled “Buy-In Obligations” as leaving a table with winnings creates an Obligation to re-join future table with that same stack size.Buy-In Obligations apply to all tables that have the same buy-in range, as measured by the range of big blinds players are initially allowed to bring to the table, such as a 40-100bb range. Therefore, Obligations created at a $0.05/$0.10 (40-100bb) NLHE table will also apply to a $5/$10 (40-100bb) PLO table. However, Obligations created at $0.05/$0.10 (40-100bb) NLHE tables will not apply to $0.05/$0.10 (100-250bb) NLHE tables. Instead, 100-250bb tables will have their own Buy-In Obligations.
It’s also important to note that this in no way restricts players from buying in for the minimum buy-in on as many tables as they wish when they have no active Obligations. The Obligations will also never require you to buy in for more than the default maximum buy-in for the table you are joining.
I sad di je problem?
Šta je najgore upravo sam tvoj video gleda da naučim uplodat.
Morat ću probat opet.
Jel može ovako iz painta ili?
Zadnji popravljao Frna123 (28-03-2014 01:36:25)
Jel sad valja?
Kaj se tice imagea, u prvom postu su linkovi dobri (u drugom nisu) a da bude image na forumu, prije linka stavis [img]i na kraj linka, mislim da treba biti bez razmaka:[/img]. U biti samo oznaci link i stisni na sliku za img gore.
NL5 ti nisu ni 40-100 ni deep stolovi nego ona kvacica other, ove mozes iskljuciti. Ako nije fora u tome onda bi trebao biti ili session minimum ili buyin obligations. Iskljuci si autobuyin tak da vidis buyin prozor pa ce ti pisati u cemu je stvar.
Zadnji popravljao gmiko (28-03-2014 13:44:21)
Isključia auto buy in i svi stolovi koje mi ponudi su zapravo deep stolovi.
Za nl5 je max buy in 12.5$.
Sad zašto je to tako ne znam
Pa zato jer svi NL5 stolovi jesu deep stolovi, osim na zoomu.
jel mozes ovo bez?
lakse je bez ak mene pitas
Stranice 1
prijava odnosno registracija za objavu odgovora