ffs nastavljamo na tiltu za pol sata cca
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
SB (hEadAche55) ($119.9)
BB ($281.7)
Dealt to SB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB (hEadAche55) raises to $3, BB calls $2
Flop: (Pot is $6, 2 players)
BB checks, SB (hEadAche55) bets $4, BB raises to $12, SB (hEadAche55) calls $8
Turn: (Pot is $30, 2 players)
BB bets $22, SB (hEadAche55) calls $22
River: (Pot is $74, 2 players)
BB bets $53, SB (hEadAche55) raises to $82.9 (All-In), BB calls $29.9
SB (hEadAche55) shows
(Two Pair, Queens and Threes)
BB shows
(Two Pair, Queens and Fours)
Total Pot: $239.8 | Rake: $0.5
BB wins $239.3
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
BB (hEadAche55) ($128.7)
SB ($118.2)
Dealt to BB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB raises to $3, BB (hEadAche55) calls $2
Flop: (Pot is $6, 2 players)
BB (hEadAche55) checks, SB bets $4, BB (hEadAche55) raises to $14, SB raises to $115.2 (All-In), BB (hEadAche55) calls $101.2
Turn: (Pot is $236.4, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (Pot is $236.4, 2 players, 1 all-in)
BB (hEadAche55) shows
(Two Pair, Jacks and Sixes)
SB shows
(Full House, Sixes over Fives)
Total Pot: $236.4 | Rake: $0.5
SB wins $235.9
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
SB (hEadAche55) ($116.2)
BB ($135.75)
Dealt to SB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB (hEadAche55) raises to $3, BB calls $2
Flop: (Pot is $6, 2 players)
BB checks, SB (hEadAche55) bets $4, BB raises to $12, SB (hEadAche55) calls $8
Turn: (Pot is $30, 2 players)
BB checks, SB (hEadAche55) bets $22, BB raises to $120.75 (All-In), SB (hEadAche55) calls $79.2 (All-In),
River: (Pot is $232.4, 2 players, 1 all-in)
SB (hEadAche55) shows
(One Pair, Aces)
BB shows
(Two Pair, Tens and Nines)
Total Pot: $232.4 | Rake: $0.5
BB wins $231.9
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
SB (hEadAche55) ($231.5)
BB ($115.5)
Dealt to SB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB (hEadAche55) raises to $3, BB raises to $11, SB (hEadAche55) calls $8
Flop: (Pot is $22, 2 players)
BB bets $15, SB (hEadAche55) calls $15
Turn: (Pot is $52, 2 players)
BB bets $42, SB (hEadAche55) raises to $205.5 (All-In), BB calls $47.5 (All-In),
River: (Pot is $231, 2 players, 1 all-in)
SB (hEadAche55) shows
(One Pair, Tens)
BB shows
(One Pair, Aces)
Total Pot: $231 | Rake: $0.5
BB wins $230.5
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
SB (hEadAche55) ($210.2)
BB ($114.4)
Dealt to SB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB (hEadAche55) raises to $3, BB raises to $11, SB (hEadAche55) raises to $27, BB raises to $114.4 (All-In), SB (hEadAche55) calls $87.4
Flop: (Pot is $228.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (Pot is $228.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (Pot is $228.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
SB (hEadAche55) shows
(Two Pair, Tens and Threes)
BB shows
(Two Pair, Tens and Nines)
Total Pot: $228.8 | Rake: $0.5
BB wins $228.3
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
BB (hEadAche55) ($104.4)
SB ($397.1)
Dealt to BB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB raises to $3, BB (hEadAche55) raises to $10, SB calls $7
Flop: (Pot is $20, 2 players)
BB (hEadAche55) bets $12, SB raises to $30, BB (hEadAche55) raises to $94.4 (All-In), SB calls $64.4
Turn: (Pot is $208.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (Pot is $208.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
BB (hEadAche55) shows
(Two Pair, Kings and Jacks)
SB shows
(Flush, King high)
Total Pot: $208.8 | Rake: $0.5
SB wins $208.3
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
SB (hEadAche55) ($101.7)
BB ($135.7)
Dealt to SB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB (hEadAche55) raises to $3, BB raises to $11, SB (hEadAche55) raises to $26, BB raises to $135.7 (All-In), SB (hEadAche55) calls $75.7 (All-In),
Flop: (Pot is $203.4, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (Pot is $203.4, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (Pot is $203.4, 2 players, 1 all-in)
SB (hEadAche55) shows
(One Pair, Jacks)
BB shows
(One Pair, Kings)
Total Pot: $203.4 | Rake: $0.5
BB wins $202.9
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1
SB (hEadAche55) ($101.4)
BB ($346.4)
Dealt to SB (hEadAche55)
Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)
SB (hEadAche55) raises to $3, BB calls $2
Flop: (Pot is $6, 2 players)
BB checks, SB (hEadAche55) bets $4, BB raises to $12, SB (hEadAche55) raises to $34, BB raises to $343.4 (All-In), SB (hEadAche55) calls $64.4 (All-In),
Turn: (Pot is $202.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (Pot is $202.8, 2 players, 1 all-in)
SB (hEadAche55) shows
(Two Pair, Tens and Nines)
BB shows
(Straight, Ten high)
Total Pot: $202.8 | Rake: $0.5
BB wins $202.3
I can't win if I fold?