Tema: HU 3bet pot Q high flush

Dosta sam ga flatao u 3betanim potovima (rijetko sam foldao na cbet) tako da je on dosta 2-3 barrelao.
Koji bi najbolji play počevši od flopa ovdje bio?
- c/c sva 3 streeta?
- c/r flop?
- c/c flop i c-AI na blank turn?


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.25
Big Blind: $0.50

BB ($68.3)
SB (Rexonja) ($126.55)

Dealt to SB (Rexonja)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.75)

SB (Rexonja) raises to $1.5, BB raises to $5.5, SB (Rexonja) calls $4

Flop: (Pot is $11, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png
BB bets $6, SB (Rexonja) calls $6

Turn: (Pot is $23, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png
BB bets $16.5, SB (Rexonja) calls $16.5

River: (Pot is $56, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QD.png
BB bets $40.3 (All-In), SB (Rexonja) calls $40.3

Total Pot: $136.6 | Rake: $0.5

Zadnji popravljao Rexonja (20-07-2010 19:08:47)

Tko se moli i vjeruje u Isusa Krista, Isus će ga dočekati na času njegove smrti

Re: HU 3bet pot Q high flush

Preflop ok, flop bi ja obavezno raise, do nekih 16$, ako bi on tada callao vjerojatno ima A :card_club  ili K  :card_club(znao bi na čemu je), a ovako te turn doveo u nezgodnu situaciju...Neznam, ja bi ipak fold na riveru.

"Valjda mogu i ja jednom u zivotu svaki dan biti pijan"


Re: HU 3bet pot Q high flush

okej, ovi spotovi su super villain dependant. generalno ako je netko na aggromanijak stranu naravno check/callas, ako je stationast mozes raisat flop. mislim da je river fold jer jednom kad ti callas turn tvoj hand izgleda kao boja i sad on shovea river...