Tema: Nesto za motivaciju
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Ja mislio gole tete
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kakva je ovo gadost jeobte.
i od mene nešto za motivaciju...
kad zaradite prvu milju, moć ćete gledat ovakvog fitnes trenera uživo...
i od mene nešto za motivaciju...
kad zaradite prvu milju, moć ćete gledat ovakvog fitnes trenera uživo...
Mah jbš gledanje
Mile, prvi video sam pogledo neki dan, i odlican je.
Pacinov govor je kultni vec
3. sam sad pogledo i odlican je
zemo, zajebavas
i od mene nešto za motivaciju...
kad zaradite prvu milju, moć ćete gledat ovakvog fitnes trenera uživo...
odlični videii ,, prva 2 am već vidio, al ovaj treći je predobar ... samo zbog toga se više ne odvajam od kompa i knjige bar na jedno vrijeme ,, u pravu je lik ,, fuck cuganje i partije , let's go to the top
fuck cuganje i partije , let's go to the top
Ja jos samo ovaj vikend, a onda se bacam na grindanje
"It took me five years, but I finally made it. Above all I'd like to use my 10,000th post as a thank you to these forums and the guys who post in them, without all of you I simply wouldn't be in the place I am today. I started playing poker in 2002 at the age of 18, but I like to think that my education in the correct way to think about the game didn't begin until I was posting on here in early 2006. There are far too many guys to write out a list of who has been helpful to me, so let me just say thanks to everyone who helped form, create, and modify my game, and those who gave any input on how I could get better.
It's been interesting to watch both the game and the forums evolve over the years. Guys who used to be dominant are now long forgotten, and guys who nobody thought was good have worked and evolved to a point that they're among the very best in the industry. Todd Terry was right when he said in his very own 10,000th post that you should do something to work on or improve your game every single day, and if you don't you run the risk of watching it evolve right past you. I feel that something very similiar happened to me in 2009, a year I generally spent away from poker and certainly was mentally unfocused on poker, and mostly spent getting drunk, traveling, and chasing girls. That's not to say I regret any of the way I spent my time that year, but I can say that even for a guy who spent the previous 2-3 years working his balls off to get better it didn't take long for many others to get better than him. If anything, the time away from poker made me appreciate the opportunity I have within it all the more. As far as the advice portion of a 10k post, a few thoughts that come up about this whole game and industry:
1. Never forget what an amazing opportunity poker is as a profession. Many of us have a social circle that is comprised entirely or predominately of other poker players, and the end result is that we lose touch with the reality of most people our age. It wasn't until I started hanging out with people away from poker that I realized the majority of people would kill to trade places with us, to have a job where they could make their own hours, travel to all kinds of interesting locations, and take off any day they simply didn't feel up to going to work. Not having a boss who tells you what to do and how to think is worth more than most poker players will ever comprehend. I had five jobs as a teenager before I got into a poker, and I only have to think back to the days of working for *******s doing pointless **** labor to remember why I love my current job so much.
2. Find excuses to travel for poker and spend plenty of time away from the casino when you do so. When I was younger I would travel to places and spend almost all my time in the casino, and that's something I truly regret the older I get. At the end of the day, your time is yours to spend however you choose, but you can play poker any time at home but you'll have a limited amount of opportunities to experience the culture and people of the various unique places that poker tournaments can take you. I can't encourage travel enough; I like to tell people that everytime I go somewhere different it opens my brain on a new level and shows me a way of going about things in a manner I had never previously considered. Instead of someone showing you a whole new level and way to consider a poker concept it's like a place or people showing you a whole new level or way to consider the concepts of life, even the every day things.
3. Let the variance go. You can't control it, it's not fair for everyone over their lifetimes, and there isn't **** you can do about it, so shut the **** up with your pointless complaints and focus on things that matter, like your play. Nobody, and I mean ****ing nobody, wants to listen to you bitch about how you run, how you didn't get what you deserved, how this one guy who plays worse than you runs amazing, etc etc etc. This job becomes so much easier when you decide to stop caring about the variance and start caring about the things that you have the power to change.
4. Have fun with this thing. We play a game for a living, and games are supposed to be fun, even when played at a professional level. Odds are you got started with this thing because you found it fun, and although it certainly comes with its fair share of difficult or trying times just attempt to remember that at the end of the day that we're the guys who sit around in their underwear doing math problems in the comfort of their own home and that should never be so bad. Sure I came close to final tabling the main and it didn't come to fruition, but I promise you I had an assload of fun along the way.
I haven't been around posting as frequently as I used to but my plan over the next six months is to refocus myself on the game and try to get myself to a level of competition I feel happy about. So hopefully we'll all work together on getting better over the next 10,000, and thanks again to everyone who helped make me the player and person I am today.
Cheers, Tony aka Bond18"
Odlican post Bonda i preporuka za procitat obavezno
3. klip je nuts
3. klip je nuts
Tocno to odlicno je!
Da nakon sto sam pogledao 3 clip otisao sam malo pojesti i odspavati
im ana netu njegov govor part 1 part 2 itd ...ovo je najbolji dio
Sad se osjećam bolje nakon trećeg videa. Cijeli dan se mučim s HUD-om i sad me još rasturi downswing. Ali sad je bolje
al pacinov govor, nesto najbolje ikad..tekst,gluma, prejebeno..
Zadnji popravljao chillin (23-11-2010 06:02:28)
Ovo je tak motivirajuce da sad idem u garazu,sjest u auto,upalit ga i zakrmit..
kako kome
ja umirem od smijeha stvarno motivirajući video
Ako se nekad osjecate kao gubitnici i kao da niste postigli svoj životni cilj uvijek se sjetite da ste nekad bili najbrži spermić u svojoj grupi... ŠAMPIONI
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