Posto sam hand na još par foruma i prije nego je roba napiso i dobio neke odg:
Professional Judge
"I´d call, since a lot of times players would 4-bet with AA/KK that spot, so you see a lot of times either TT/AK/AQ type hands"
Bluefire Pro NeilGewirtz
"The first think I would tell my students when they show me a hand like this is that you should know how you are going to respond to a 4bet, before making your 3bet. If your plan is to 3bet fold, it would often be better to flat here instead, as it allows the fish to stay in the pot with a ton of worse dominated hands (I saw in this hand the fish flatted the raise and 3bet cold, but I certainly wouldnt expect that) and we will also have position on the reg who still has his dominated hands in the pot as well, also the reg wont be likely to put us in many tough spots, being unlikely to cbet bluff into both you and the call station fish on the flop. 3bet folding here is not an ideal line, but if you know the reg can both call with worse, and will only 4bet KK and AA it is fine. 3bet folding hands as strong has AK is super exploitable because if you are 3betting with any type of reasonably frequency and folding that entire range except for AA and KK, you are opening yourself up to being 4bet alot. Now it is certainly fine to play very exploitably at 25nl because I wouldnt actually expect players to exploit you like this in practice, but its also important to know what you are doing and why.
I basically agree with the posters who say AA and KK are more likely to 4bet smaller and this jam looks alot more like QQ-JJ and AK, Id certainly at least discount AA here in particular. There is plenty of dead money in this pot, both already preflop, and the fish may call off the rest of his stack as well, that combined with our hand having good equity vs villains range makes me think this is most likely a call. Run a stove and check the pot odds/math to double check, but @ the posters who said this spot isnt "worth" 120BB's or you should avoid variance, and avoid flipping, these are both bad ways to think of this hand. If you make mistakes vs your opponents ranges that, will decrease your winrate, and therefore cause much more variance in the long run, than taking slightly the worst of it because the pot if giving you the correct price ever will."
Zadnji popravljao niveaformen (20-01-2011 04:31:53)