Re: PokerStars - Promocije
BOP= Battle of Planets
igraš SNG i dobio si bonus jer si bio na leaderboardu... Pogledaj na Request>SNG Leaderboard
Zadnji popravljao -b3k's- (13-12-2010 16:44:55)
Niste prijavljeni. Molim logiraj se ili registriraj.
BOP= Battle of Planets
igraš SNG i dobio si bonus jer si bio na leaderboardu... Pogledaj na Request>SNG Leaderboard
Zadnji popravljao -b3k's- (13-12-2010 16:44:55)
2011 PokerStars VIP Club Changes
Thank you all for your patience while waiting for the announcement of changes to PokerStars VIP Club rewards for 2011. There will be only a few minor changes to the VIP Program for 2011. PokerStars will continue to offer benefits to ALL players, will continue to reward VPPs equally to all players dealt into a hand, and will continue to offer the best advertised rewards for high volume players.
These changes for 2011 are focused on simplifying the VIP Program, making benefits easier to communicate, claim, and enjoy. The following changes to the PokerStars VIP Program are effective January 1st, 2011:
VIP Reward Bonuses
VIP Reward Bonuses purchased from the VIP Store instantly reward players with cash. This change has been in effect from October 1st, 2010 and will continue indefinitely.
MicroStakes NL and PL VPP Rates
Microstakes Pot Limit and No Limit Hold’em games will award VPPs according to the following:
$0.01/$0.02: 10x
$0.02/$0.05: 8.5x
$0.05/$0.10: 7x
€0.01/€0.02: 12.5x
€0.02/€0.05: 10.5x
€0.05/€0.10: 9x
IMPORTANT: This does NOT mean that players will receive 10 times or 7 times the VPPs they would have received in the past. The standard rates for VPP earning are 6x for cash tables with 8+ seats and 5.5x for all other games. A player earning 10x VPPS at a $0.01/$0.02 9-seated NLHE table will be earning VPPs 167% (10x divided by 6x) faster than if the table awarded VPPs at the standard 6x rate.
These rates will be reflected at new tables created as of January 1st. Some older tables awarding the previous VPP rates may still exist until the first server restart of 2011.
PokerStars did offer increased VPP earnings in these games as temporary promotions for the last seven months of 2010. Unlike those promotions, this change has no fixed end point. These rates should be considered the standard VPP earning rates for these games until further notice.
Supernova Elite Rewards
Supernova Elite VIPs are now eligible for a $20,000 Milestone Cash Credit at 1,000,000 VPPs instead of receiving the two choices of cash and live event packages that were previously offered. The Milestone Cash Credit will only cost 1 FPP, as per the Milestone Cash Credits change explained below.
Players earning Supernova Elite in 2011 will still receive live event benefits in the form of significant Supernova Elite VIP discounts in the VIP Store for packages to many PokerStars sponsored live main events on the EPT, NAPT, LAPT, and APPT tours. Supernova Elite VIPs will be offered especially strong discounts for PCA and EPT Grand Finale packages.
VIPs who have earned Supernova Elite status in 2010 will receive rewards as previously advertised (these changes have no effect on them).
Supernova Elite VIPs are still rewarded with 5 FPPs per VPP for as long as they retain their status and with a free entry to the WCOOP Main Event.
Milestone Cash Credits
All Milestone Cash Credits will have their prices reduced from 50,000 FPPs to 1 FPP, matching the cost of VIP Stellar Rewards. The value of each Milestone Cash Credit has been reduced by $800 to balance out the reduced FPP cost. This change is intended to simplify rewards and make them easier to claim, not to increase or reduce value received by players.
The 100,000 VPP Milestone Cash Credit has been removed. It has been replaced by a 100,000 VPP VIP Stellar Reward worth $200. This means that the first Milestone Cash Credit is available to our VIPs who earn 200,000 VPPs. VIP Stellar Rewards now total $1,200 and extend through 100,000 VPPs. Milestone Cash Credits available to Supernova VIPs at a cost of only 1 FPP each will be as follows:
$2,600 at 200,000 VPPs
$2,800 at 300,000 VPPs
$3,000 at 400,000 VPPs
$3,200 at 500,000 VPPs
$3,600 at 600,000 VPPs
$3,800 at 700,000 VPPs
$4,200 at 800,000 VPPs
Milestone Cash Credits available to Supernova Elite VIPs are similarly affected. They will also cost 1 FPP each and will be available as follows:
$20,000 at 1,000,000 VPPs
$9,200 at 1,250,000 VPPs
$9,200 at 1,500,000 VPPs
$9,200 at 1,750,000 VPPs
$19,200 at 2,000,000 VPPs
$9,200 at 2,250,000 VPPs
$9,200 at 2,500,000 VPPs
$9,200 at 2,750,000 VPPs
$19,200 at 3,000,000 VPPs
VIP Stellar Rewards
As mentioned earlier, the 100,000 VPP Milestone Cash Credit is now a VIP Stellar Reward worth $200. All other VIP Stellar Rewards will remain in place. In 2011 there will be 20 VIP Stellar Rewards totaling $1,200, purchasable for only 1 FPP each and instantly credited to a player’s account with no strings attached.
Imam ovdje par ovih stellar rewardova od 50$ iz 2010. godine.
Kada uđemo u 2011., mogu li ih i tada podići ili da podignem sada jer se bojim da nestanu ili nešto...
Molio bih odgovor od onog ko je zbilja zbilja siguran
Ja sam prilicno siguran da se ulaskom u novu godinu brisu i pocinje od pocetka sa stellar rewardsima, ionako kostaju samo 1fpp tako da nema smisla riskirati
a mozda se i moze poslije ount=14402
ma skupljam fpp-ove za ovaj jedan veci bonus pa želim sve zajedno... a i ako ih podignem, onda mi utječu na BRM i na psihu + ako boostam
procito sam na 2+2 gde je neko ko predstavlja PS reko da ce iz 2010 vaziti reward i milstone bonus u 2011. al ne stalno vec prvi par meseci
pitao na e-mail, dobio duzi odgovor, ali da skratim:
''All Stellar Rewards must be purchased from the VIP store during the year in which they are earned.''
znaci ako imate stellar rewardove, pokupujte ih dok još stignete
FPP-ovi mi ostaju, jel tako?
Zadnji popravljao Rexonja (31-12-2010 19:08:40)
uzeo sam ticket za sunday 1/4 million od $11 za 700fpp, sada to stoji pod tournament ticket, mogu to kako zamijenit za $T?
edit: izgleda da moram igrat, ovo je ticket a ne $T, meh bas mislio da cu ovako bolje trosit fppove...
Zadnji popravljao Andre_787 (05-01-2011 19:48:48)
da ,odes na sunday 1/4, unregister, bit ce ti u cashieru odvojen, mozes prodati tu lovu nekome preko opcije Request->sell tournament dollars (to ti je u glavnom meniju), ili ih iskoristit za turnire.
napravio sam to vec, ali kad se unregistriram ticket se vrati u tournament ticket
yup, tickete ne mozes mjenjat.. IMas odbre satelite za 1/4mill mislim 280fpp kostaju hyperturbo 6max... Tu dobivas T$ i ako znas igraet te sng tako ti je najisplativije cistit fpp
A nis onda, moram ga shipnut ovaj tjedan
sad je ovaj 235fpp sng ali je 3. mjesto 10fppp sto mi malo mijenja stvari
Zadnji popravljao Andre_787 (05-01-2011 19:55:43)
sranje. bas sam mislio nagrindat na tim hyperima roll sa FPP ali izgleda da cu sada morat kupit nesto.
oni od 280 su bili odlicni.
drugi dobar nacin ti je satelit za 1/4 od 20 igraca, 210 FPPa buy in i prvih 6 dobije ticket
jel se može kako spriječiti dolazak obavijesti o rezultatu sa sng koji dolazi na mail?
Zadnji popravljao djuma (24-01-2011 23:47:39)
Isključi Options -> Receive Congrats Emails
3x sam gledao pod options i svaki put tražim nešto vezano za turnire
ajd hvala
kolko vam je prosjecno hands per hour na 6max na jednom stolu? oko 90?
Zadnji popravljao Andre_787 (31-01-2011 15:32:20)
Mislim da je blize 80/h.
Ej ljudi na sta potrositi ove fpp bodove? Neki kazu zamjeniti ih za cash ali ja sam negdje citao, sad sam zaboravio gdje da ima jedan dosta isplativ turnir sa 6 igraca i prva dva dobiju ulaznicu za neki turnir i kad se regas na taj turnir automatski dobijes onoliko fppova koliko si ulozio za satelit.. Pa me zanima jel to istina i kako se zove taj turnir?
Ej ljudi na sta potrositi ove fpp bodove? Neki kazu zamjeniti ih za cash ali ja sam negdje citao, sad sam zaboravio gdje da ima jedan dosta isplativ turnir sa 6 igraca i prva dva dobiju ulaznicu za neki turnir i kad se regas na taj turnir automatski dobijes onoliko fppova koliko si ulozio za satelit.. Pa me zanima jel to istina i kako se zove taj turnir?
malo si pomješao stvari, prije nove godine bio je sng od 6 ljudi za 280 fpp, prva dvojica su dobila upad na 11$ mtt i možeš se un registrirat i koristit tih 11$ za sve šta želiš osim cash, treći bi dobio 280 fpp a ostala trojica ništa i igra se hyper turbo
e sad od nove godine je došlo do promjene više nije 280 fpp sng nego je 235 fpp i isto prva dvojica dobivaju ali treći nedobiva skorom ništa isto ko ostala trojica
A da znam da je tako nesto bilo, nego za sto je onda najbolje potrositi te fppove, par savjeta samo..
po meni za tickete za turnire velike e sad nznm kaj ce ti drugi reci bas me zanima al ovo je moje misljenje
No sve ovisi koliko radis fppa itd..