Tema: jos jedan epic thread sa 2+2 :) (izvuceno iz naftalina)
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/54/po re-983653/
Zadnji popravljao zamorano11 (24-08-2011 23:47:59)
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PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Zabava » jos jedan epic thread sa 2+2 :) (izvuceno iz naftalina)
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http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/54/po re-983653/
Zadnji popravljao zamorano11 (24-08-2011 23:47:59)
zemo legenda hahahahahaha
Originally Posted by sir
@op - wtf is wrong with your location?
niverformen: Actually, that 's real location where I live, in Croatia. I'm really confused that u didn't hear for it, it's very famous here.
noob: I tried to google it but nothing...
Most of high stakes player from all over the world bought houses/villas here in last few years. It's really nice place w friendly people, beautiful landscape, cheap life expenses etc
hahahha care!
Zadnji popravljao miroror (25-08-2011 10:37:12)
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