Re: PokerStars - Promocije
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platinum(supernova je skoro isto ak pocnes ko bronca i napravis ravno 100k) je oko 29%
supernova ak pocnes godinu ko supernova je negde oko 44%
ak igras SNG, BOP more jos dosta dodati (meni recimo ove godine 12%, prosle oko 25%)
Sad gledam u HEMu i danas sam odigrao 85 SNGova,sveukupno 50$ rakea,a dobio sam 147 VPPa...zar ne bi trebao dobiti 5,5 VPPa za svaki dolar rakea?
Jel moguce da je pokerstars poceo malo kasnije racunati novi mjesec,pa da mi je neke turnire zaracunao pod prosli mjesec?
Stars ti računa od 06:00 CET, odnosno 00:00 ET pa zato imaš manje.
Isto tako na kraju mjeseca nije do ponoći nego do 1. u 06:00
Stars ti računa od 06:00 CET, odnosno 00:00 ET pa zato imaš manje.
Isto tako na kraju mjeseca nije do ponoći nego do 1. u 06:00
To sam i mislio...thanx!
jedno pitanje....
npr.... 25.1.2012... dostignete level silver star....
Koliko ga dugo zadrzavate..... koliko morate praviti mjesecno minimalno vpp da bi ostali silverstar.....
jedno pitanje....
npr.... 25.1.2012... dostignete level silver star....
Koliko ga dugo zadrzavate..... koliko morate praviti mjesecno minimalno vpp da bi ostali silverstar.....
ostaje ti do kraja 1. mjeseca, a ako ne skupis u 1. opet 750 vpp-a od 1.2. si opet bronze ... tako za svaki mjesec na dalje...
Zadnji popravljao kriss (03-12-2011 17:45:26)
Fisherman napisao:jedno pitanje....
npr.... 25.1.2012... dostignete level silver star....
Koliko ga dugo zadrzavate..... koliko morate praviti mjesecno minimalno vpp da bi ostali silverstar.....ostaje ti do kraja 1. mjeseca, a ako ne skupis u 1. opet 750 vpp-a od 1.2. si opet bronze ... tako za svaki mjesec na dalje...
Krivo si zabrijao...
Ako u jednom mjesecu dostignes silver star imas ga cijeli taj mjesec i cijeli sljedeci,a onda onaj treci ovisno sta si napravio u drugom...itd,itd...
Zadnji popravljao Bile (03-12-2011 18:28:55)
a sta sam krivo napiso???
aha, sad vidim da je napiso do 25.1... mislio sam da pise do 25.12.
da, zajebo sam se... al ugl tako je... vrijedi ti i za cijeli sljedeci mjesec...
Zadnji popravljao kriss (03-12-2011 21:29:32)
On January 1, 2012, we will be changing the way we calculate revenue share for affiliates. When calculating revenue for commission purposes, instead of rake being split between all players dealt into the hand, rake will now be calculated based on the players who contribute to the pot. This has been updated in the Terms and Conditions, which you can review at:
jos nema potpunog priopcenja od starsa ali se nadam da nece biti isto kao i na full tiltu jer ako bude to ce biti jako lose za sve, pogotovo za regove na kojima starsi puno zaradjuju i koji su zadovoljni trenutnim vip programom.
Subscribe to, bookmark or keep your eye on our YouTube channel. Something big is coming tomorrow:
neznam jel tko cita ovo uopce al da se nadovezem na zadnji post.
velika vijest danas je faking reklama:
i najvaznija vijest dana: a-1145272/
fu stars, ffffuuuuuuuuu
jep, evo cijele kampanje 89616.html
ljudi ocekuju neku zbilja veliku vijest, kad ono reklama i tek kasnije ovo oko promjene na wc
Former FTP support staff has started his own customer support consultation service.
nije mi jasno to. piše da je video objavljen 19.12. Znači da bi trebalo biti nešto novo danas ili?
da malo cudno al to je ta velika vijest. s twittera:
PokerStarsBlog PokerStarsBlog
by PokerStars
PokerStars launches stunning and powerful We Are Poker ad campaign, be among the first to see it here #WeArePoker
Zadnji popravljao Maki (29-12-2011 13:45:41)
Thank you all for taking the time to express your opinion about the recently announced changes to ring game rake on for 2012.
As a direct result of player input, we are cancelling the planned rake changes that were to be implemented in early January 2012. We will still use the incremental method to calculate rake instead of true percentage rake. Rake caps and percentages will remain exactly as they are today.
I would like to add a few comments:
The current rake at PokerStars is the lowest by far among all major poker sites.
We are confident that the planned rake changes would have resulted in a further overall decrease in ring game rake site wide, and a decrease for a majority of players.
There has been much inaccurate information spread about the impact of the changes. As an example, the changes would not have resulted in a 50% increase in rake for 5-handed play. While there would have been an increase in average rake for 5-handed play at NL tables with stakes of $0.25/$0.50 and higher, it would be far less than 50% (for stakes up to $0.10/$0.25 there was either no change or reduction in caps for 5-handed play). Most hands do not reach the cap and thus would not be affected. The rake for many hands dealt to 5 players would actually be lower at many stakes due to the lower rake percentage (4.5% reduced from 5%). If players review rake at other online poker rooms, they will discover that it is the standard for the rake caps to be the same when 5 or more players are dealt into a hand. PokerStars has been the one notable exception to this system.
In summary we still believe that the proposed rake system taken as a whole would result in a more balanced and fair rake system for players. However, given that players have responded so negatively to this change, which also has a cost to PokerStars due to the reduced rake, we felt that the best course of action is to cancel the change.
The change to the Weighted Contributed method of awarding VPPs will remain as announced.
yep, meni se onakav prijedlog zapravo sviđao jer je u teoriji trebao malo "opustiti" igru za stolovima (u praksi nikad ne znaš), no sad je pitanje kako će stvari ispasti
meanwhile at the isle of man
So now you have effectively removed the rake decrease that full ring players would have gotten. And I thought things could not get any worse.
hahaha, stars, are u completely out of your mind? now you took away everything positive you changed???!!!! are u ****ing kidding me????
Zadnjih par dana prošle godine po prvi put grindo nl10 SH i radio oko 75vpp-a/1000 ruku što je i za tadašnje pojmove mislim ispod prosjeka al sam extremna nitara i meni je to bilo ok. Evo sad bacim 2k hands sesiju i avg. 30vpp/1000 Čak i da nešto Stars promijeni tipa sa x5,5 vpp na x6 i još neku siću ja sam uništen. Nisam siguran al mislim da su sjebali i euro stolove a meni je 50% akcije na njima tako da i tu gubim užasno. FU Pokerstars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kako je vama ostalima?
danas prvi session ove godine na nl25 fr, 13/10, 1.6k handova, hem kaze 208 vppova, starsi kazu 96 vppova
i smanjili su multiplier na euro stolovima