Dakle, kada sam pokušao napraviti uplatu na poker sobu, dobio sam ovu poruku od MB:
Your account is locked for outgoing payments therefore we cannot complete this transaction. To unlock your account, you must send a VERIFIED copy of your passport or national identity card to the following address:
Welken House
10-11 Charterhouse Square
London EC1M 6EH
United Kingdom
We accept as VERIFIED, all copies which are certified in your country of residence by:
* a licenced notary public; OR
* a licenced solicitor or attorney-at-law; OR
* a regulated bank or financial institution; OR
* a local government authority (e.g. the police)
as true copies of the original.
Onda sam otišao na Email support jer sam ih želio pitati da li moram baš poštom slati. kada sam kliknuo na Account/Security -> My account is locked onda mi dođe poruka:
You have failed to verify your date of birth and that is why withdrawals from your account are temporarily suspended. In order to enable them, please verify your identity and correct your date of birth by clicking here.
I ja sam im poslao skeniranu osobnu. Ali sada ne kužim da li je to dovoljno ili moram još i poštom poslati kao šta su napisali u prvoj poruci.
Zanimljivo je da sam im dokumente (skeniranu osobnu i skeniranu karticu) poslao još prije nego sam verificirao karticu i sada me jeb. radi toga.