Stavimo jebni DA i nadajmo se da će naš narod imati dovoljno mudrosti i pameti da ne rasprodaju didovinu i da prisili politiku da ih max zaštiti
sprajc je ok rekao neke stvari
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PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Objave od Andre_787
Stavimo jebni DA i nadajmo se da će naš narod imati dovoljno mudrosti i pameti da ne rasprodaju didovinu i da prisili politiku da ih max zaštiti
sprajc je ok rekao neke stvari
nikachu: being a nit will win money at any limit
danas prvi session ove godine na nl25 fr, 13/10, 1.6k handova, hem kaze 208 vppova, starsi kazu 96 vppova
i smanjili su multiplier na euro stolovima
jel vratio one pare? sta je na kraju bilo s tim ako se smije znat?
da bi se igre poboljsale treba jos popularizirat poker, vraitti talijane i francuze na .com i ne odvajati drzave svaka za sebe
ali s ovim promjenama se nece nista promjenit za nitove u njihovom stilu igre, samo ce igrat vise da nadoknade 25% gubitak vppova od prije.
boli njih briga za to kolko tko zaradjuje, ovim ce starsi vise zaradjivat jer ce fishevi dobivat vise vppova odnosno fppova koje koriste za gluposti tipa majice kape ili mijenjaju za cash ne uzimajuci u obzir fpp/$ na cemu starsi jos dodatno zaradjuju, a ostali igrace ce morat igrat vise nego prije, radit vise rejka i tu starsi opet dodatno zaradjuju
nemaju pravu konkurenciju i sad mogu radit sto hoce dok ne dodje full tilt ili netko drugi ne upali mozak i pokusa privuc igrace sa starsa
???? zele jos novaca u svoj dzep jer nemaju nikakve konkurencije u industriji
igraci koji su igrali danas na full ring stolovima su dobili oko 25% manje vppova nego prije
Jednim udarcem ubiju dvije muhe. Dobit će više akcije /rejka i napraviti da taj poker na starsima liči na nešto
zasto mislis da ce biti vise akcije? nece nitovi i tagovi odjednom postat super loose jer zele imat isti rakeback ko i prije, samo ce igrat vise sati ako ovako ostane i tako igre nece postat odma bolje i kakav je poker na starsima prije licio?
wp stars
sve najbolje u 2012!
ne bustat
koji ovaj? i postenije za koga?
ovaj trenutni do 1.1? prvi koji je trebao doc ili ovo zadnje bez smanjenje rakea?
What we are seeking:
As it says in the link inside of the prefilled tweet, the following are our proposed changes (I will update this as we get new suggestions)
(Originally posted by TheMetetrown)
1. Rake caps of $.50/$1/$1.5/$2/$3 for 2/3/4/5/6+ handed play
2. 4.5% linear rake up to the cap
3. The same proposed reductions for Rake at the micro limits.PLUS ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TWO OPTIONS
3a. Winner take all rake calculation method
4a. 6x VPP across the boardOR
3b. WC rake calculation method
4b. 6.5x VPP across the board
treba vidjet kakva ce biti stvarna situacija ali se zna da ce vpp per hand sigurno opasti sto znaci da ce ti trebat puno vise handova nego da po ovom sistemu zelis doc do sn.
moveupaj sto prije i trebat ce ti manje handova
edit: da je ostalo po starom trebalo bi ti 1m handova na nl10 ako ti je prosjecno 0.1 vpp per hand, to si vidis u hemu, na fpppro su stari i krivi brojevi
jbga poker se razvija,dns fish koji ima statse 88/8 komotno spana 6stolova i cak ponekad folda tpwk protiv 3igraca
lol di to?
ili kak nikachu veli ak počinješ deri odma PLO
hahahhaa +1
meanwhile at the isle of man
So now you have effectively removed the rake decrease that full ring players would have gotten. And I thought things could not get any worse.
hahaha, stars, are u completely out of your mind? now you took away everything positive you changed???!!!! are u ****ing kidding me????
Thank you all for taking the time to express your opinion about the recently announced changes to ring game rake on for 2012.
As a direct result of player input, we are cancelling the planned rake changes that were to be implemented in early January 2012. We will still use the incremental method to calculate rake instead of true percentage rake. Rake caps and percentages will remain exactly as they are today.
I would like to add a few comments:
The current rake at PokerStars is the lowest by far among all major poker sites.
We are confident that the planned rake changes would have resulted in a further overall decrease in ring game rake site wide, and a decrease for a majority of players.
There has been much inaccurate information spread about the impact of the changes. As an example, the changes would not have resulted in a 50% increase in rake for 5-handed play. While there would have been an increase in average rake for 5-handed play at NL tables with stakes of $0.25/$0.50 and higher, it would be far less than 50% (for stakes up to $0.10/$0.25 there was either no change or reduction in caps for 5-handed play). Most hands do not reach the cap and thus would not be affected. The rake for many hands dealt to 5 players would actually be lower at many stakes due to the lower rake percentage (4.5% reduced from 5%). If players review rake at other online poker rooms, they will discover that it is the standard for the rake caps to be the same when 5 or more players are dealt into a hand. PokerStars has been the one notable exception to this system.
In summary we still believe that the proposed rake system taken as a whole would result in a more balanced and fair rake system for players. However, given that players have responded so negatively to this change, which also has a cost to PokerStars due to the reduced rake, we felt that the best course of action is to cancel the change.
The change to the Weighted Contributed method of awarding VPPs will remain as announced.
da malo cudno al to je ta velika vijest. s twittera:
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by PokerStars
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Former FTP support staff has started his own customer support consultation service.
neznam jel tko cita ovo uopce al da se nadovezem na zadnji post.
velika vijest danas je faking reklama:
i najvaznija vijest dana: a-1145272/
fu stars, ffffuuuuuuuuu
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PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Objave od Andre_787