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PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Small Blind: t25
Big Blind: t50
Ante: t5
CO (t2335)
BTN (t2295)
SB (t5940)
BB (iPokerKid) (t6535)
UTG (t3490)
MP (t9410)
BB (iPokerKid) has M value 62.24
Dealt to BB (iPokerKid)
Preflop: (Pot is: t105)
UTG & MP fold, CO raises to t150, BTN & SB fold, BB (iPokerKid) calls t100
Flop: (Pot is t355, 2 players)
BB (iPokerKid) checks, CO bets t200, BB (iPokerKid) calls t200
Turn: (Pot is t755, 2 players)
BB (iPokerKid) checks, CO bets t350, BB (iPokerKid) calls t350
River: (Pot is t1455, 2 players)
BB (iPokerKid) bets t5830 (All-In), CO calls t1630 (All-In),
CO shows
(Full House, Aces over Sevens)
BB (iPokerKid) shows
(Four of a Kind, Aces)
Total Pot: t4715
BB (iPokerKid) wins t4715