Tema: 888poker ilitiga Pacific FLAME!!!
Evo, rekao sam u nekom prijasnjem postu da cu napraviti neki kvazi review/pljuvanje/moje iskustvo po ovoj pokerkuci...pa da krenemo...
Samo da navedem jednu pozitivnu stvar kod pacifica je ta da kao novi depositer imate dosta freerollova na raspolaganju i ako odigrate 6 sit'n'go-a tokom tjedna dobite ticket za jedan donkament od 10k guaranteed i ima poprlicno malo igraca na njemu tako da je prvo mjesto 2200$ a dosta ih je na sitout jer zaborave da su se uopce regali...
Par puta sam i ja dobio nekakve tickete van ovog medjutim nisam se mogao regati na njih jer izbrisu registraciju i nema turnira na popisu...bolesno...
Stranica ima cudne uvjete isplacivanja love prema metodama deposita i kolicinama deposita...
Software je spor, a nekoliko mojih frendova nije niti radio, ajde barem imaju flash verziju na webu, a to je suicide za multitejblanje (nisam niti htio probati) i ima jako malo mogucnosti prema mainstream pokerkucama...
Razlog zbog kojeg sam otisao. tj. kad se casa prelila je bilo kad sam htio mjenjati password, medjutim...to nemozete , a i kad postavljate prvi put (znaci i zadnji put) password mora biti odredjene duljine i jos par uvjeta... lol
Uglavnom ovdje na ovom linku si procitajte iskusvo jednog korisnika sa mjenjanjem lozinke na 888pokeru...
Support je jednostavno strasan... ja sam si povukao lovu nakon ovog razgovora sa chat supportom i pri tome sam bio pristojniji nego ovaj gore... (a zacudjujuce nisam imao problem sa dizanjem love, a bojao sam se):
Latoya W.: Hi, my name is Latoya W.. How may I help you?
Latoya W.: Welcome to 888poker Live Chat! We are glad to be of service. Please hold a moment whilst I try to locate your 888poker account with your given email address.
SviP: Hi...
Latoya W.: Please confirm the answer to the security question you selected when you registered your account.
The security question you chose was:
What is your your mother's maiden name?
SviP: *****
Latoya W.: thank you Goran for verifying that information
SviP: Did you receive my questions?
Latoya W.: Goran, I would like to give you a warm welcome to 888poker
Latoya W.: I am unable to view all of your question, Goran do you mind tying them again for me please
SviP: ok...i registered yesterday and deposited
SviP: where do i see how my bonus money is released
Latoya W.: Yes, I see that Goran, go on
SviP: why cant i login on my.888poker.com
SviP: and how do i receive tickets for freerolls as first depositor and when?
Latoya W.: Goran, one moment please
Latoya W.: Let us deal with one issue at a time ok Garan
Latoya W.: You have received the 25 % instantly and now you have $731.15 USD left to wager before you receive the 75%
SviP: where do i see how much do i have to wage? and how is released this bonus, all at one time after wagering is over?
Latoya W.: You will have to contact us for that information regarding the amount you have left to wager
Latoya W.: and it has to be done within a month
Latoya W.: 50k First Depositors’ Challenge’
Every Friday at 19:00 GMT
Where: 'Challenges' tab
Buy-in: FREE for new depositors
Win: The top 20 players each get a seat in the Sunday Challenge at 20:35 GMT
Latoya W.: Goran for more information check out http://www.888poker.com/poker-promotions/your-welcome-package/first-depositors-challenge.htm
Latoya W.: Goran, what problems are you encountering when you try to log in
SviP: it says that my username doesn't exist
SviP: nor e-mail
Latoya W.: Do you want me to send you your log in details?
SviP: yes please if it's possible on my e-mail
Latoya W.: Yes, I will send that to your e-mail address now
Latoya W.: Goran, please let me know that you have received that information
Latoya W.: Goran are you still there?
SviP: i've received that e-mail. but i' tryin' to login with those data but it says that there is no such user
Latoya W.: Goran, please make sure you are trying to log into 888poker
SviP: http://my.888poker.com is that right or do i have to have an extra account for that area of the page?
Latoya W.: Try using http://www.888poker.com/
SviP: ok... and where is onsite user area?
Latoya W.: You can go into instant play or download the software.
Latoya W.: check out http://www.888poker.com/getting-started/registration-and-login.htm
Latoya W.: Goran, are you getting through
SviP: Latoya... i'm asking you about my.888poker.com, is that site under 888.com or not? am i legible to login on there or is some extra account needed? i'm having NO problem with program itself!
Latoya W.: Yes it is under 888.com no just click on poker
Latoya W.: Goran, are you on the site? Do you see money play
Latoya W.: Goran, please try using this site http://www.pacificpoker.com/
Latoya W.: Goran, are you getting through?
SviP: ok...last time.... i don't have any problems with poker, 888poker software, main site...!!! i just can't login on social space of your site my.888poker.com with login data from poker software... can you help me with that or not? do i have to make some extra account on that social space or something? or it's just some error...
Latoya W.: Goran, would you like for me to give you a call so I can help you better
You have disconnected.
tu vise nisam imao snage...
Zadnji popravljao SviP (22-12-2010 16:19:50)
Gona have shitty time