Re: PokerStars - Promocije
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Da ne otvaram novu temu, ova mi se čini najprikladnija...
koliko rakea treba platit otprilike za silver, gold, plantium star
jer mi ovaj njihov kalkulator nije pouzdan
1 $ rake-a = 5,5 VPP
750 VPP = silverstar = 135 $ rake-a
3000 VPP = goldstar= 545 $
itd. itd.
Kad pocinje novi tjedan na pokerstarsu po nasem vremenu?
Da pojasnim:ne pase mi stanje na Battle of Planets ljestvici. Kad filtriram u HEMu turnire od nedjelje 23:59:59 i kad rucno zbrojim stanje za BOP leaderboard dobijem vise bodova nego sto pise na starsima...
Krivo nesto racunas sigurno, prije ce tebi hem pogrijesit nego oni. I dan pocinje u 6 ujutro
Krivo nesto racunas sigurno, prije ce tebi hem pogrijesit nego oni. I dan pocinje u 6 ujutro
Mislis? Bas cu im poslati mail sa mojom statistikom i viditi sta kazu...
EDIT:Ustvari mislim da novi tjedan pocinje nedjeljom ujutro,a ne ponedjeljkom,pa mi zato brojke ne pasu...
Zadnji popravljao Bile (18-07-2012 15:21:22)
Sad trazim one 235 fpp satelite za sunday storm,ali nema ih u ponudi...jel moguce da su ih otkazali ili ih nema jer je veceras ss?
Bezveze,jer za sljedecu ned su vec otvorene prijave,a za ovu vec zatvorene,pa ne vidim zasto tako...
Summary of the 2013 VIP Club Changes
The changes listed below are permanent, and will go into effect on January 1, 2013 (unless otherwise noted).
New Monthly VIP status & rewards: ChromeStar
A new monthly VIP status named ‘ChromeStar’ will be introduced, between the BronzeStar and SilverStar VIP statuses. The monthly VIP Player Point (VPP) requirement to achieve or maintain ChromeStar VIP status is 100 VPPs.
ChromeStar VIPs will have all the same rewards and benefits as BronzeStar VIPs, plus free entry to the new VIP $5,000 Weekly Tournament and access to the 100K Privilege Freerolls. These freerolls will also be available to SilverStar and higher VIPs.
Decreased VIP status Requirements for SilverStar and GoldStar
The monthly requirement to achieve and maintain SilverStar VIP status will be decreased to 500 VPPs. This represents a 33% drop from the previous requirement of 750 monthly VPPs.
The monthly requirement to achieve and maintain GoldStar VIP status will be decreased to 2,500 VPPs. This represents a 17% drop from the previous requirement of 3,000 monthly VPPs.
VIP Club Hall of Fame: Expanded Lifetime Rewards
The VIP Club has been presenting players who earn 5,000,000 lifetime VPPs with customized TAG Heuer watches. This program has now been expanded to include the following benefits:
At 5,000,000 lifetime VPPs, players become part of the VIP Club Hall of Fame. An engraved TAG Heuer watch will be presented to them at a PokerStars Live Event, for example, the PCA or a VIP Club Live party. In addition, they will receive live English language support over instant messenger from senior PokerStars staff.
At 10,000,000 lifetime VPPs, we’ll create an experience unique to the player who has earned it. The player will also be provided with a cell phone number to call senior PokerStars staff for urgent issues. There is currently one player in this Hall of Fame bracket: Team Online member George Lind, who earned his 10 millionth VPP in September of 2012.
Summary of additional VIP Club Announcements
VIP $1,000,000 Quarterly Tournament 2013 dates
This tournament offers a $1,000,000 prize pool four times a year. Supernova VIPs can enter for free. The VIP $1,000,000 Quarterly tourney will be held on the following dates in 2013: February 16, June 1, August 17, and November 16.
Like all VIP Tournaments, the VIP $1,000,000 Quarterly can be found under ‘Tourney’ > ‘VIP’ > ‘All’ in the PokerStars game client.
VIP Benefits at the PCA 10th Anniversary
This year at the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) Supernova VIPs will be offered free transportation from Nassau Airport to the Atlantis Resort. Supernova VIPs will be sent more information about this in November’s Supernova Quarterly Newsletter. Alternatively, you can email for more details.
Supernova and Supernova Elite VIPs will have their own priority line for the PokerStars bank. Further details coming soon.
Preview of VIP Club January Promotions
The promotions below are planned tentatively for January:
Race to be the first Supernova and Supernova Elite of 2013
Starting on January 1, there will be a race to earn 100,000 and 1,000,000 VPPs in 2013. Further details TBC.
2013 VIP Club Goals
During the month of January, players will be able to select a 2013 goal from 100,000, 200,000 or 300,000 yearly VPPs. Players who are on or ahead of schedule for earning their goal at various points later in the year will receive a bonus. Further details TBC.
Ako ima netko ko ovo zna...
Ako završim godinu sa Gold statusom, jel će mi onda prva VIP nagrada u novoj godini za 750 VPP iznositi više od 10 $ ili to nema veze???
Ako ima netko ko ovo zna...
Ako završim godinu sa Gold statusom, jel će mi onda prva VIP nagrada u novoj godini za 750 VPP iznositi više od 10 $ ili to nema veze???
Da, 10, sve ide iz početka na stellar rewardsima
Šta im je ovaj 12h Poker za koji trenutno traju qualifieri? Ne mogu naći u Pokerstars clientu o čemu se radi...
nije mi jasan način bodovanja. primjer,prvo mjesto na 5.5 $ 9man donosi isto bodova kao prvo mjesto na 5.5 $ 27man ?
Zadnji popravljao sejmen (22-12-2012 13:10:17)
nije mi jasan način bodovanja. primjer,prvo mjesto na 5.5 $ 9man donosi isto bodova kao prvo mjesto na 5.5 $ 27man ?
jep, jedina razlika, barem koliko vidim je:
Place Points
1 20
2 15
3 10
Any other in the money finishers 5
Taking part 1
znači tih pet bodova ne možeš dobiti na 9-manu jer su ITM samo prva tri već ih možeš dobiti samo na većim SNG
Zadnji popravljao iAcesHigh (22-12-2012 13:47:42)
sejmen napisao:
nije mi jasan način bodovanja. primjer,prvo mjesto na 5.5 $ 9man donosi isto bodova kao prvo mjesto na 5.5 $ 27man ?jep, jedina razlika, barem koliko vidim je:
Place Points
1 20
2 15
3 10
Any other in the money finishers 5
Taking part 1
znači tih pet bodova ne možeš dobiti na 9-manu jer su ITM samo prva tri već ih možeš dobiti samo na većim SNG
znači da se onda isplati igrat 9man više nego 27man,pošto manje traju a samim time radiš veći volume
Računa li se tu prosjek uspješnosti kao u "battle of planets" ili se računaju osvojeni bodovi u cijelom volumenu?Ak je ovo drugo onda vjerojatno nema smisla sudjelovati ak ne peglaš 12,16 stolova 12 h.?
pa to se odnosi samo na igrače iz Hrvatske i Slovenije , tak da mislim da ne bude toliko puno stolova
Teško puniti 9 man.Slovenci imaju malo mora ali bogat riblji fond.
Koliko se ljudi ocekuje na tom eventu?
Onak odprilike, oce li se ti stolovi puniti brzo?
Moglo bi se to i isplatiti da igram recimo sve levele po 15 stolova 12h
ma daj me nemoj jebat, nabijem njih i njhiove "Open Discussione"
mozes malo pojasnit, ne kuzim tocno o cemu se radi