Tema: Problem kod uplate na Starse
Pozdrav, bit ću kratak:
nedavno otvorio student lepezu te ujedno dobio i deviznu karticu u Zabi, aktivirao pred nekoliko dana. Riječ je o Visa Electron kartici - http://www.zaba.hr/home/wps/wcm/connect/zaba_hr/zabapublic/kartice/debitne+kartice/visa+electron+international/
Stavio sam neka sredstva na nju, ali mi trasnakcija na starse nije uspjela (pokušao dva puta). Dođe sljedeća poruka :
Your card transaction has been declined.
If you are using a Prepaid or Gift Card, please make sure your card has passed the activation period before making another deposit.
If your card information was entered correctly and you have sufficient funds, your transaction was probably declined due to Internet gaming restrictions set by your card issuer.
Probao sam uplatiti novce na Neteller, no ni tamo nije bilo uspjeha? Problem je u kartici ili?
A quick death and an easy one
A pretty girl and an honest one
A cold beer and another one!