Re: HU sng by djuma_vu
@ donatus
ja sam namjerno otvorio vise accountova da isprobam ovu teoriju, i svaki put sam otisao u fini plus da
bi nakon par dana na istom levelu i uz istu igru (koja je dotad bila winning) , poceo pusiti na nenormalne nacine.
Evo sa jednog foruma sto se tice bas ovoga o cemu pricam :
5) “Beginner’s Luck”
As you may have noticed in your own experiences, or perhaps simply from reading mine above, when an individual first signs up for an account on an online poker site they almost inevitably win. In fact, out of the 25-or-so friends of mine that have played online poker, 24 of them have at LEAST tripled their initial bankrolls in the first series of sessions. There is one friend of mine, a guy named Mike from Vermont, who did not tap into this mysterious luck. He played in the same manner I did when depositing my first $30 onto PokerRoom – he bought into one cash-game using his entire bankroll.
Is it a coincidence that both he and I lost under those circumstances? Possibly. But the other 24 of my friends that tried to ration their money did quite well right-off-the-bat, including me on PartyPoker and BODOG.
Additionally, there is a phenomenon referred to as the “cash-out blues”, wherein a player requests to cash out part of his bankroll, and suddenly goes on an extremely unlucky streak of beats. I have had it happen to me on several occasions, most noticeably with Bodog.
Just another coincidence I suppose…
If this is indeed a common theme among online poker sites, then that, in itself, is proof. If there is even a hint that the “luck” is controlled for new players, then it is an impossibility that there can be random “luck” throughout the duration of the player’s time on the site. Its like your neighborhood crack dealer; the first one is free to get you hooked...
I won’t even get into the benefits of having new players win – that should be obvious.