Slabom, evo je ispod, i nisam bil zadovoljan. Stvar je tome da sam imal na FT najgoru poziciju, mjesto prije chip leadera, a on je znal koristiti svoj stack. Nisam imal neki dobar run s handovima na FT pa sam bil zadovoljan da sam nadživjel 5 igrača, ali mogao sam još čekati jer sam imal stack od 15BB.
Uglavnom, stavil sam tipa kod PFR na Ax i u tom uvjerenju sam i poginul. Znači, call preflop s suited konektorom, float na flopu i bingo na turnu, bar sam tak mislil dok mi nije pokazal. Napravil sam grešku da sam uopće igral taj hand, imal sam priliku baciti ga i preflop i na flopu.
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Small Blind: t30000
Big Blind: t60000
Ante: t6000
BTN (t1653105)
SB (t1820696)
BB (Max14x) (t986813)
UTG (t4634886)
BB (Max14x) has M value 8.66
Dealt to BB (Max14x)
Preflop: (Pot is: t114000)
UTG folds, BTN raises to t140000, SB folds, BB (Max14x) calls t80000
Flop: (Pot is t334000, 2 players)
BB (Max14x) checks, BTN bets t205000, BB (Max14x) calls t205000
Turn: (Pot is t744000, 2 players)
BB (Max14x) checks, BTN bets t650000, BB (Max14x) calls t635813 (All-In),
River: (Pot is t2015626, 2 players, 1 all-in)
BTN shows
(One Pair, Nines)
BB (Max14x) shows
(One Pair, Eights)
Total Pot: t2015626
BTN wins t2015626