Tema: Patnje mladog LAG-a

Pozdrav momci,

vidim da vecina ima temu u kojoj traze komentare svojih handova pa rekoh zasto bih ja bio drukciji od ostalih. Kako svakodnevno radim review svojih handova kad se probudim (boywonder pro tip) smatrao sam da bi odlicno bilo te handove koji me muce staviti vama na raspolaganje da svi naucimo pokoju.

Krenimo redom. Villain je 24/14 sa 1.3 agg factorom na samo 130 handova.

Koji nam je thought process u ovom handu? Na koji range ga stavljate na turnu? River je obavezni call ili?


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1

BB (Hero) ($361.33)
UTG ($199.94)
CO ($26.83)
BTN ($124.1)
SB ($142.5)

Dealt to BB (Hero)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8C.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)

UTG calls $1, CO & BTN fold, SB calls $0.5, BB (Hero) checks

Flop: (Pot is $3, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png
SB checks, BB (Hero) bets $3, UTG calls $3, SB folds

Turn: (Pot is $9, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png
BB (Hero) bets $6, UTG raises to $15, BB (Hero) calls $9

River: (Pot is $39, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png
BB (Hero) checks, UTG bets $23, BB (Hero) calls $23

Total Pot: $85 | Rake: $3

Pravi šubara lovac voli lov, žene i novac.
Roba, moderator ti je sramota.

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

Hmm, igra jako pasivno. UTG limp može značit pocket tipa 88, 77 ali onda mislim da bi betao flop (ili možda ne?). Turn ne znam da li bi betao, ne vidim sa čime če te platiti a da je slabije, tj. pitanje je da li betaš za value ili bluf? Možda krivo razmišljam, ne znam hmm

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Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

da nije ima AA pa uvatia sesticu za spas. nezz.

imaj cvijetak u reveru, a u ruci bombonjeru...

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

Villain je 16/14 1.2 agg; u 130 handova sam ga 3x 3betao i nijednom nije foldao na moj 3bet i ne voli foldati na cbetove (25%).

Mislim da je moja greska bila sto nisam barrelao turn, ali plan mi je bio pustiti mu da bluffa turn i nadati se da ce river ici check/check. Thoughts?


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1

SB (Hero) ($120.9)
BB ($29.15)
UTG ($114.5)
BTN ($100)

Dealt to SB (Hero)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QC.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)

UTG raises to $3.5, BTN folds, SB (Hero) raises to $12, BB folds, UTG calls $8.5

Flop: (Pot is $25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5S.png
SB (Hero) bets $18, UTG calls $18

Turn: (Pot is $61, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5S.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png
SB (Hero) checks, UTG bets $33, SB (Hero) calls $33

River: (Pot is $127, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png
SB (Hero) checks, UTG bets $51.5 (All-In), SB (Hero) folds

Total Pot: $178.5 | Rake: $2

Pravi šubara lovac voli lov, žene i novac.
Roba, moderator ti je sramota.

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

Villain je solidan reg, malo vise loose i definitivno ne voli foldati. U nekim prethodnim handovima sam ga nastackao sa overpairom u slicnoj situaciji. Stats: 28/23 agg 2.6; Da li sam trebao ovdje bet/foldat river?


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.50
Big Blind: $1

BTN ($102.5)
SB ($58.35)
BB ($157.8)
UTG (Hero) ($448.22)
CO ($82.1)

Dealt to UTG (Hero)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AH.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $1.5)

UTG (Hero) raises to $4, CO folds, BTN calls $4, SB folds, BB calls $3

Flop: (Pot is $12.5, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png
BB checks, UTG (Hero) bets $8, BTN folds, BB calls $8

Turn: (Pot is $28.5, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png
BB checks, UTG (Hero) bets $25, BB calls $25

River: (Pot is $78.5, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png
BB checks, UTG (Hero) bets $75, BB raises to $120.8 (All-In), UTG (Hero) calls $45.8

Total Pot: $320.1 | Rake: $3

Pravi šubara lovac voli lov, žene i novac.
Roba, moderator ti je sramota.

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

dfable napisao:

Hmm, igra jako pasivno. UTG limp može značit pocket tipa 88, 77 ali onda mislim da bi betao flop (ili možda ne?). Turn ne znam da li bi betao, ne vidim sa čime če te platiti a da je slabije, tj. pitanje je da li betaš za value ili bluf? Možda krivo razmišljam, ne znam hmm

Naravno da betam za value, da naplatim milijun i jedan draw s kojim on moze limpati. 24/14 igra, dakle raisa 14% handova i ostalih 10% suitanih trasheva limpa. Kad raisa taj turn ne predstavlja nikakav showdown value, vec valjda zeli da foldam, zar ne?

da nije ima AA pa uvatia sesticu za spas. nezz.


Pravi šubara lovac voli lov, žene i novac.
Roba, moderator ti je sramota.

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

ovaj treci hand (ako necu prepostavit da svaki put kad neko stavi hand na forum je izgubio taj hand) , mislim da bi moga imat bustan FD.

Zadnji popravljao chillin (06-10-2010 22:00:15)

imaj cvijetak u reveru, a u ruci bombonjeru...

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

AQ Foldaj taj turn protiv nitova, mislim da se ne isplati ni betati u njega. A s obzirom da na prijašnje 3betane handove, možda niti flop. A river će ti jedino s asom chekirati, ako je već išao betat, betat će do kraja s handovima tipa 77,88,TT+ i nekim random handom.

AA hand- mislim da si morao manji bet na riveru, jer te ne plaća nikakav slabiji hand u njegovom rangeu. Koliki mu je 3bet iz blindova i općenito?

Mu-mu mu mu mu mu mu!


Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

1. foldao bi turn, al da callam turn sigurno ne bi foldao na taj river bet

2. mislim da moras bit spreman barelat taj flop ili c/f

3. odvratno. ispravno je valjda b/f, al ne znam jel bi mogao foldat u igri

Fri 2012-08-17 17:50:06»⇓ mungos» POZDRAV SVIM BLEFERIMA

Re: Patnje mladog LAG-a

1. hand

foldo bi river, ništa ne beataš


ako planiram cbetat turn, definitivno bi cbeto flop oko pola pota (a vidim da si napiso da ne folda na cbetove što opet ide u prilog) iako bih ja odusto na turnu i pričeko bolji bord, pogotovo jer ti ne daje kredita...


a ono ziher ne blefa, al ne bi foldo... mislim da si mogo betat jače flop i turn da zashipneš river