Re: PokerStars, Full Tilt, UB i AP optuženi za pranje novca (Black Friday)
biće ovo koji visokopozicionirani amer popušio pare i naljutio se jer su ''rigged''
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PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Ostala rasprava » PokerStars, Full Tilt, UB i AP optuženi za pranje novca (Black Friday)
biće ovo koji visokopozicionirani amer popušio pare i naljutio se jer su ''rigged'' um=8011069
Kažu da će doći jungleman dati komentar..
AlphaScorpii napisao:Nema brige? Ja sam dao prije ~10h vadit pola rola, ali još nije approved. Inače svaki tjedan vadim i approved mi je kroz 5min. Ja se nadam da sad duže traje jer pola ljudi pokušava vadit, a ne zato što je neko negdje nešto blokirao.
Ja se nadam da će iz svega ovoga proizaći nešto bolje. Nije nikad bilo bolje vrijeme nego da se "pokuša" dokazat da poker nije čista sreća.
chillout dude!
kakva panika ljudi. Eventualnu paniku mogu dizati ameri, a čak niti oni ne trebaju jer su novci na sigurnom (mogu pričati samo za Starse obv.).
Sve u svemu od straha ne treba vaditi pare jer mjesta za NIKAKVU paniku nema. Cashouti traju duže jer rulja masovno vadi novce pa i obrada dulje traje, isto kao i eventualni mailovi koje neki od vas šalju supportu. Pustite dan-dva-tri da vrijeme prođe pa ćemo vidjeti kakvo će biti stanje za stolovima....
PS je bar napisao za svoje igrace da se ne brinu, da je lova na sigurnom i da bu se sve rijesilo, al kolko samo skuzio FTP support kao da je mrtav.
Zadnji popravljao AlphaScorpii (16-04-2011 17:29:13)
Istina, ni rijeci od FTP ali mislim da je rezlog tome sto ne zelie dizat paniku, mozda razmisljaju da i tako pola europe nezna za nista pa bolje da tako i ostane Ali dobro mislim da nema razloga za paniku ni kod njih
ajme, ni rijeci od ftp, iznenadjenje...
moraš skinit s pa sve radi normalno
....ajmo svi mi fino otkupljivat rollove od amera za sicu i sve 5!!
Ja ga normalno otvorim(FT)
Meet The Boy Genius Who Just Took Down The Online Poker Industry
The internet is still coming to grips with the huge online gambling bust that just took down the U.S.'s three biggest online poker sites.
But Australia's Courier-Mail newspaper already has the scoop on the one man who may have single-handedly built the online industry ... then handed it to the U.S. government on a platter.
According to this story, Daniel Tzvetkoff was a young Australian entrepreneur who set up the payment processing schemes used by the biggest poker sites to handle their (mostly illegal) transactions.
He is described by those who know him as a "boy wonder" and "genius" who started his first company at 13 and knew all the intricacies of e-commerce.
He made Full Tilt Poker and Poker Stars millions of dollars — and made as much as $150,000 a day for himself — but then got even more greedy and started taking their. They sued him, accusing Tzvetkoff of taking more than $100 million of their money.
Then last April, Tzvetkoff was arrested in Las Vegas and charged with the same crimes those sites' founders were charged with today: money laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud. As an Australian citizen with a lot of cash, he was considered a flight risk and denied bail.
Then after a "secret" meeting with prosecutors last August, he was suddenly out on bail. And now his former colleagues are the ones facing serious prison time.
Daniel Tzvetkoff knows the operations of these poker sites inside and out. It was knowledge of the financial industry that allowed them to operate. He's the one man positioned to give the U.S. Attorneys everything they needed to take down their businesses.
And it looks like that's exactly what he did, cooperating with the authorities to avoid his own lengthy jail sentence.
All the major gambling prosecutions in the U.S. since Tzvetkoff's arrest have been run out of the office of Arlo Devlin-Brown, the Manhattan Asst. U.S. Attorney who is Tzvetkoff's "handler."
According to a source, Tzvetkoff "knows how to reverse-engineer transactions to determine its original source," making him very valuable to investigators.
And the biggest irony of all? It's been rumored that the only reason the FBI got their hands on him is because Full Tilt or Poker Stars (the companies he used to work for and stole from) tipped off the FBI that he was going to be traveling to the United States last year.
They ratted him out ... and he turned the tables. No honor among thieves.
And as the Courier Mail put it, if this were still the old days, he'd be buried in the Las Vegas desert right now.
za tilt moras otci na
U nedjelju će ameri ići u crkvu umjesto da igraju turnire...
U nedjelju će ameri ići u crkvu umjesto da igraju turnire...
Kako da se prijavim na hrvatski turnir na fultiltu,nece mi otvorit onu stranicu kad idem register here um=8011069
Kažu da će doći jungleman dati komentar..
Evo junglemana...
jel reko sta pametno
reko je onaj drugi sto je gostovao nesto sto mise bas i ne svida...da bi i eu igraci trebali biti zabrinuti i da je njegov savjet da se ne drze novci na doticnim stranicama...jer postoji mogucnost da se nece moci doci do cashouta...
To je mozda i najpametnije, povuc lovu ako je to moguce i pricekat par dana dok se ne vidi kako ce se cijela ta situacija razvijat.
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p.s. kako povuc lovu kad ne radi cashout
Yep, prekasno je sad izvlacit lovu. Kolko citam po forumima u zadnjih par postova nitko nije napisao da je uspio withdrawat, nego im je lova vracena na site /declined. Bar je tako za FTP...
Evo sad mi stigao mail...
This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.
Your Player ID: Alpha Scorpii
Date and Time: 2011-04-16 14:46:53
Transfer Number: xxxxxx
Payment Method: Moneybookers
Amount: $x.x (USD)
Your withdrawal request has been declined. Please review your
personal account information to ensure that it is the same as the
information stored with your payment processor. You may correct
any of your personal information and try again. If you are still
unsuccessful, you may wish to try one of the other available
withdrawal methods.
For further assistance in withdrawing funds from your account,
please visit our website at:
Zadnji popravljao AlphaScorpii (16-04-2011 20:50:00)
Yep, prekasno je sad izvlacit lovu. Kolko citam po forumima u zadnjih par postova nitko nije napisao da je uspio withdrawat, nego im je lova vracena na site /declined. Bar je tako za FTP...
u mom slučaju jest, declinali su mi od sinoć, danas ne mogu više ni zatražit...imam preko 20k na stranici- nema se razloga za paniku, ali za zabrinutost sigurno
FTP i Pokerstars su jednostavno preveliki da bi im ova tužba ozbiljnije naškodila. Mislim da na nas u Europi ovo neće utjecat, ja osobno ostajem na FTP-u.
Čuo sam da na FT-u igra oko 70% amera, a na starsu oko 20%. Tak da će FT imati večih problema od Starsa.
Jel netko probao neku drugu opciju withdrawa osim MB? Ugl spominju neteller kolko vidim.
Ugl spominju neteller kolko vidim.
Jel netko probao neku drugu opciju withdrawa osim MB?
Imaju jako puno zahtjeva za isplatu tako da što god odabereš, nećeš dobiti brzo ko inače. Vjerojatno red ide u odnosu na vrijeme kad je zatražena isplata.