Evo šta su meni javili iz Black chip supokera:
Dear Goran,
Thank you for contacting us.
In accordance with network policies, you are only allowed to have one account receiving rakeback so, unfortunately, your account with us cannot be linked to our rakeback program at this time.
Please remember that we reward your play with us in ways other than just the rakeback plan. For more information regarding our VIP Program go to your Player Admin or visit our promotions page.
We are always here to help you. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any additional questions in relation to this or any other matter. Your reference ID for this email is ________________; please quote this number in any further communication on this subject.
Kind regards,
Stephanie Brooks --
BlackChipPoker Support
Ne znam sad tko je u pravu...ako netko tko je već bio na mergeu uspije neka javi.
Chuck Norris ima PFR>VPIP!