Da li shove u ovakvoj situaciji? Mislio, sigurno Ak ili veći par, kad ono...Mislim da je pre rano i da je dobro što sam foldao bez obzira na ishod. Spalim na ovakve likove
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Small Blind: t30
Big Blind: t60
BB (t670)
UTG (t6000)
UTG+1 (Ljava) (t2335)
MP (t2295)
MP+1 (t4430)
CO (t3145)
BTN (t1680)
SB (t2200)
UTG+1 (Ljava) has M value 25.94
Dealt to UTG+1 (Ljava)
Preflop: (Pot is: t90)
UTG folds, UTG+1 (Ljava) raises to t200, MP raises to t2295 (All-In), MP+1 & CO & BTN & SB fold, BB calls t610 (All-In), UTG+1 (Ljava) folds,
Flop: (Pot is t1570, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: (Pot is t1570, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: (Pot is t1570, 2 players, 1 all-in)
BB shows
(Two Pair, Nines and Sixes)
MP shows
(Two Pair, Jacks and Sixes)
Total Pot: t1570
MP wins t1570