Tema: Grindfest

VRSTA PROJEKTA: NL10 6-max cash game
LOKACIJA: Everest poker
IZVOĐAČ RADOVA: hobit24 (nick na Everestu)
Kratka povijest igranja na Everestu. Dobio free 50$ i u razdoblju od 19.2. do 12.5. odigrao nešto manje od 12k handova 6-maxa. Od tada nisam odigrao ni handa na Everestu.

VPIP i PFR su previše razmaknuti, vjerojatno premalo Cbetam, a i previše foldam SB i BB, ali trenutno djeluje.
PROBLEM: Kao što vidite, u tri mjeseca sam odigrao samo 12k handova, što je prosječno ispod 150 handova dnevno što je smiješan broj. Uglavnom zato što sam lijen i nemam postavljen cilj igranja.
RJEŠENJE: Grindfest projekt  big_smile
PLAN: Odigrati 50 000 handova u kolovozu. Nekako bih si uzeo prosjek od 2000 handova dnevno tak da mogu tu i tamo uzeti dan pauze, a da plan ne padne u vodu. Cilj mi je igrati 4 stola paralelno (niti ja mogu pratiti više, niti zastarjeli monitor trpi više) u 2-3 sessiona dnevno. Budući da je soft spor, to vjerojatno znači 7-9h igranja dnevno.
1. Vidjeti da li mogu izdržati jedan „pokeraškiji“ tempo igranja. Nikad nisam odigrao više od 1500 handova u danu, a to je neozbiljan pristup.
2. Zaraditi nešto. Zvuči glupo, ali ovo mi je manje bitan cilj. Ako u mjesec dana ništa ne zaradim, a odigram 50 000 handova, naučit ću da ne znam igrati i trebam još učiti igru čak i za mikro level, ali da nemam problem igranja jačeg pokeraškog tempa . Ako odigram 50 000 handova i još nešto i zaradim, nitko sretniji od mene.
1. Početni bankroll je 204,15$
2. Iako sam i sa strategyjevih početnih 50$ igrao NL10, pravilo je silazak na NL5 ako bankroll padne na 125$ (25BI za NL5). Povratak na NL10 kad dođem na 200$. Nema pravila za odlazak na NL25 budući da želim odigrati pošten broj ruku na NL10.
3. Stop loss na 30$. Ovo čisto da eventualnim tiltom, koji nije nemoguć, ne izgubim čak i više od „malih“ 30$. Ovo je i moguća prepreka izvršenju plana, jer se može dogoditi da spizdim 30$ u 50 handova i neplanirano mi smanji planirani broj odigranih handova za session big_smile
4. Svakodnevno postanje ruku u ovu temu i kratki izvještaj, a nakon svakih 10 000 handova i prikaz grafa i statsa itd.
5. Projekt se prekida u slučaju više sile – bustam big_smile, Everest propadne, komp crkne, ja crknem big_smile

Ovo mi je prvi projekt tako da sam ga možda od samog početka krivo organizirao, ali djeluje mi izvodivo i ok posloženo. Komentari handova i ostale analize uvijek dobrodošle.

Al' sam se raspisao...

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.

Re: Grindfest

Sretno ti bilo i redovito updejtaj!  smile

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Re: Grindfest

7-9 sati dnevno   hmm
Uglavnom sretno ti


Re: Grindfest

Nek ti je sa srećom, ali nemoj forsirati igru sa 2000 handova dnevno ako nemaš volje, nego rađe odigraj manje, ali kvalitetnije  wink

"Valjda mogu i ja jednom u zivotu svaki dan biti pijan"


Re: Grindfest

sretno .. mislim stvarno da ne mozes to ostvariti jer samo u određenim satima ima dosta igrača da igraš oko 7 sati, i to moras u komadu odigrati 7 ili vise sati ... ali ako netko to moze to si ti smile

... nego sta spominjes NL5 .. sta ima sad nl5 na everestu ?

i na koliko stolova igras ? .. ja sam max 8 stolova jer pre jadan je softwer a i moje računalo

Poker . Its only a gambling problem if you`re losing
-- I have gambling problem

Re: Grindfest

Nije lako 7-8 sati dnevno igrat A igru,pogotovo kad se forsiras a dosad si u 3 mj. odigrao 12k handova..Igraj dok igras dobro,bolje vise kracih sessiona pa odigras kvalitetnih 4-5 sati nego striktno forsirat odredjen broj handova ili sati dnevno..Sessioni od sat-dva pa mala pauza meni najbolje odgovaraju..Cbet slobodno mozes povecat za 20ak %, ali postupno, nemoj sad pocet bezglavo robotski cbetat samo da dignes tu brojku,bitno da je cbet succes preko 50%, fold to steal sa blindova ti je ok, puno je veci problem igranje previse ruku sa blindova pa igraci cesto znaju npr. sa SB-a igrat ruku koliko i sa BTN-a sto je lose..Uglavnom sretno Kramer..

I'm so broke, I can't even pay attention.

Re: Grindfest

Vuco napisao:

... nego sta spominjes NL5 .. sta ima sad nl5 na everestu ?

kolik oje meni poznato nema. 2nl pa 10nl

u svakom slucaju... GL

"Dikod uđe, dikod ne uđe" - Mate Baturina

Re: Grindfest

Zajebat ce te Everest jer se rusi bar 2 puta dnevno  big_smile



Re: Grindfest

mislim da je 2000 handova dnevno na 4 stola samoubojstvo big_smile

gl hf



Re: Grindfest

super je počelo. sat i pol igre i nakon 450 handova sam na stop loss strategiji big_smile
nastavit ću vjerojatno oko 17h. evo par handova.

1. hand: 3bet lik ima 1% na 216 ruku. mogao sam foldati, ali kak je ušao ovaj s pol stacka, pomislio sam da imam razloga i igrati pa ako flopam set možda dobro zaradim. flopao sam set. čini mi se da je check-raise tu ok potez bez obzira na monoton board.
rezultat kasnije big_smile


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.05
Big Blind: $0.10

BTN ($10.06)
SB ($2.25)
BB ($15.36)
UTG (hobit24) ($10.24)
MP ($14.76)
CO ($5.1)

Dealt to UTG (hobit24)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7D.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.25)

UTG (hobit24) raises to $0.4, MP raises to $1.45, CO calls $1.35, BTN & SB & BB fold, UTG (hobit24) calls $1.05

Flop: (Pot is $4.5, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9S.png
UTG (hobit24) checks, MP bets $2.55, CO calls $2.55, UTG (hobit24) raises to $8.79 (All-In), MP calls $6.24, CO calls $1.1 (All-In)

Turn: (Pot is $25.73, 3 players, 2 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9S.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png

River: (Pot is $25.73, 3 players, 2 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AS.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2D.png

Total Pot: $25.73 | Rake: $1.7

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.


Re: Grindfest

2. hand
nekako smatram da "svi" mikro limit igrači slowplayaju set pa makar ne znam kako drawy board bio tako da ga nisam stavio na set. zato sam pristao na all in "samo" s overparom. pretpostavio sam FD, a možda sam mogao samo callati njegov raise pa ako ne dođe flush na turn gurati all in. ako ima FD plus jednu over kartu, već sam na 50-50 praktički na flopu...

rezultati kasnije big_smile


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.05
Big Blind: $0.10

SB ($10.88)
BB ($9.9)
UTG ($21.59)
MP (hobit24) ($9.67)
CO ($9.2)
BTN ($15.8)

Dealt to MP (hobit24)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.15)

UTG folds, MP (hobit24) raises to $0.4, CO calls $0.4, BTN & SB & BB fold

Flop: (Pot is $0.95, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4S.png
MP (hobit24) bets $0.6, CO raises to $1.65, MP (hobit24) raises to $5.9, CO raises to $8.8 (All-In), MP (hobit24) calls $2.9

Turn: (Pot is $18.55, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4S.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png

River: (Pot is $18.55, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png

Total Pot: $18.55 | Rake: $1.22

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.


Re: Grindfest

evo mene opet. još neka 2h igranja i 680 handova. bio bi plus 10$ da nije ovoga.

3. hand: ne znam. sve mi se čini da je prilično jasno da imam K i on svejedno calla. i onda kad beta na turn ne mogu ni foldat jer su mi oddsi bolji od 3-1.


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.05
Big Blind: $0.10

BTN ($13.82)
SB ($10.39)
BB ($17.84)
UTG ($13.01)
MP ($9.85)
CO (hobit24) ($11.93)

Dealt to CO (hobit24)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KS.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.15)

UTG folds, MP raises to $0.35, CO (hobit24) raises to $1.05, BTN & SB & BB fold, MP calls $0.7

Flop: (Pot is $2.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png
MP bets $1.23, CO (hobit24) raises to $4, MP calls $2.77

Turn: (Pot is $10.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png
MP bets $4.8 (All-In), CO (hobit24) calls $4.8

River: (Pot is $19.85, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9H.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5S.png

MP shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png
(Three of a Kind, Nines)

CO (hobit24) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KS.png
(One Pair, Kings)

Total Pot: $19.85 | Rake: $1.32

MP wins $18.53

Zadnji popravljao cosmo (02-08-2010 13:21:44)

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.

Re: Grindfest

Ma nemos to bacit.
Grozno odigrano s njegove strane, obavezno note na njega.

prvi hand bi ja fold pf ,em ima tako nizak 3b em smo oop

sretno dalje, nemoj da te ovakve stvari izbace iz takta, znas igrat tako da samo hrabro dalje.

Zadnji popravljao Andre_787 (01-08-2010 19:16:07)



Re: Grindfest

gotov i treći session. 3h igre i 900 handova za ukupno -0,33$. koji hebeni   lol
ukupno odigrano 2067 handova i minus od 29,26$. valjda će sutra biti bolje.

jedan stack sam spičio na glupost koju si ne mogu oprostiti, ali ajd.
4. hand: lik na 125 handova ima 73/41/5,6 i to samo piči pot bet jer eto, everest ima tu tipku.
i onda ja ko kreten callam njegov all in još... baš sam našao hand za suprotstaviti se.


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.05
Big Blind: $0.10

BB ($14.87)
UTG ($14.56)
MP ($16.02)
CO ($10.83)
BTN (hobit24) ($10.4)
SB ($2.37)

Dealt to BTN (hobit24)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.15)

UTG & MP fold, CO calls $0.1, BTN (hobit24) raises to $0.45, SB folds, BB calls $0.35, CO calls $0.35

Flop: (Pot is $1.4, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png
BB bets $1.4, CO folds, BTN (hobit24) raises to $4, BB raises to $13.4, BTN (hobit24) calls $5.95 (All-In)

Turn: (Pot is $24.75, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9S.png

River: (Pot is $24.75, 2 players, 1 all-in)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9S.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4D.png

BB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/9C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5C.png
(Three of a Kind, Nines)

BTN (hobit24) shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7S.png
(Two Pair, Nines and Sevens)

Total Pot: $24.75 | Rake: $1.42

BB wins $23.33

Zadnji popravljao cosmo (02-08-2010 13:22:15)

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.

Re: Grindfest

Čemu reraise? ako potira s bluffom, pusti ga do kraja da bluffa.
Vjerojatno nisi znao šta da radiš na turnu ako opet beta pa si brže bolje odlučio sve ugurati na flopu... c/c flop next time.

Tko se moli i vjeruje u Isusa Krista, Isus će ga dočekati na času njegove smrti


Re: Grindfest

rez 1. handa. tamo gore je 3betaš imao KK s FD, a lik s pol stacka je imao KQ s FD.
rez 2. handa. lik je imao QJs za fd kojim me i dobio na riveru.

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.

Re: Grindfest

Mislim na ovo 77 reraise-call...

Tko se moli i vjeruje u Isusa Krista, Isus će ga dočekati na času njegove smrti


Re: Grindfest

Cosmo u kojim satima igras na everestu ?
Meni se ono čini da je najbolje oko 18h kreniti

Koiko stolova igraš odjetnom ?

I jel ti se čini da nekako manje ima ono ribetina ?... jos uvijek ima ribica ali ono manje nego sto je prosle godine bilo barem meni tako

Poker . Its only a gambling problem if you`re losing
-- I have gambling problem


Re: Grindfest

Vuco napisao:

Cosmo u kojim satima igras na everestu ?
Meni se ono čini da je najbolje oko 18h kreniti

Koiko stolova igraš odjetnom ?

I jel ti se čini da nekako manje ima ono ribetina ?... jos uvijek ima ribica ali ono manje nego sto je prosle godine bilo barem meni tako

a ja sam mislio igrati recimo od 14h pa igrati do 18h. i onda još navečer. recimo od 21h do 23h. jučer sam gledao atletsko EP tako da sam igrao od 23h do 2h ujutro. ali mi ni taj termin nije problem jer sam svakodnevno budan do 4h.
napisao sam u prvom postu da planiram i igram 4 stola.
gledano po statsima, zaista se čini kao manje ribica nego inače. prije na stolu od 6 ljudi bilo 4 tipa sa recimo 50/10, a sad možda 2.

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.


Re: Grindfest

imam još dva handa od jučer gdje mi se čini da sam nešto usro motku.
5. hand:
imam samo 9 handova na tipu tak da statsi i nisu važni...

čini mi se kao da na flopu ima ili J ili 7. no nikad ne znaš, možda ima jednostavno dvije over karte iako je malo vjerojatno kad imam KK. turn dolazi A. tu mislim da sam trebao betati, ovako na riveru nisam znao što napraviti pa sam foldao. smrdi mi da ima 7 i da ga je nasralo na kraju. a možda blefira kad nisam betao A na turn...


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.05
Big Blind: $0.10

BB ($6.69)
UTG ($13.11)
CO ($9.85)
BTN (hobit24) ($11.95)
SB ($13.87)

Dealt to BTN (hobit24)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KS.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.15)

UTG & CO fold, BTN (hobit24) raises to $0.45, SB folds, BB calls $0.35

Flop: (Pot is $0.95, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png
BB checks, BTN (hobit24) bets $0.68, BB calls $0.68

Turn: (Pot is $2.31, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png
BB checks, BTN (hobit24) checks

River: (Pot is $2.31, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/3S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png
BB bets $2.31, BTN (hobit24) folds

Total Pot: $4.62 | Rake: $0.14

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.


Re: Grindfest

6. hand
ovdje sam napravio krivo sve što se moglo napraviti krivo.

premali raise preflop. možda sam trebao samo limpati, možda foldati. čini mi se da sam trebao na riveru ili foldati na prvi bet ili callati i all in. ovo mi se čini najgore što sam napravio...


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.05
Big Blind: $0.10

BB ($8.23)
UTG ($4.9)
CO ($8.45)
BTN (hobit24) ($14.54)
SB ($10.39)

Dealt to BTN (hobit24)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6H.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.15)

UTG calls $0.1, CO calls $0.1, BTN (hobit24) raises to $0.45, SB calls $0.4, BB & UTG fold, CO calls $0.35

Flop: (Pot is $1.55, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png
SB checks, CO checks, BTN (hobit24) checks

Turn: (Pot is $1.55, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8H.png
SB checks, CO bets $0.6, BTN (hobit24) calls $0.6, SB calls $0.6

River: (Pot is $3.35, 3 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8H.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4H.png
SB checks, CO bets $3.35, BTN (hobit24) calls $3.35, SB raises to $9.34 (All-In), CO & BTN (hobit24) fold

Total Pot: $19.39 | Rake: $0.88

SB wins $18.51

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.


Re: Grindfest

Call river.

Turn check je dobar i daješ mu s tim da ti blefa river. I zato call river.


Re: Grindfest

zasto foldas river

imaj cvijetak u reveru, a u ruci bombonjeru...


Re: Grindfest

neće ovo dobro završiti. pržim bankroll brže od hrvatske vlade proračun. 1h i stop loss.
malo sam se izgleda zaletio s ovim. ovo bi mogao biti najkraći projekt u povijesti projekata  big_smile

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.


Re: Grindfest

nakon 3200 handova, cosmo kramer s ponosom predstavlja: NL5 \o/

@vuco: čini mi se da uopće nema riba, samo ja  big_smile

If there weren't luck involved, I would win every time.