Tema: Pokerstars spreman za predstavljanje Zoom Pokera
Iz Pokerstarsa su potvrdili kako se približava beta lansiranje novog brzog pokera nazvanog Zoom Poker ....
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PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Poker vijesti » Pokerstars spreman za predstavljanje Zoom Pokera
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Iz Pokerstarsa su potvrdili kako se približava beta lansiranje novog brzog pokera nazvanog Zoom Poker ....
isprobajte test klijent, predobro je, stvarno je bolje od rusha napravljeno samo se pojavi novi stol umjesto da onako sve leti, svaka čast poker starsu
di je to ,ja nemrem nac
ja sam mislio da ima vec na clientu negdje,neda mi se zajebavat s downloadanjem stvari... nis sacekat cu da dode
zoom navodno dolazi danas!
Jel zna netko jel stigao ZOOM sa novim updateom?(ja ne updejtam starse stalno tako da ne znam).
Jel zna netko jel stigao ZOOM sa novim updateom?(ja ne updejtam starse stalno tako da ne znam).
alberto sa supporta siri lazi navodno izlazi do kraja tjedna
edit: omfg trebat ce im jos 34325235 godina dok stave normalne limite na zoom
Q: Okay, let’s get down to serious business. What’s the status with “Zoom” – the fast-paced ring game product?
A: As many of you are aware, we’ve been testing Zoom on our test site (www.testpokerstars.com) and on pokerstars.net for a while now. We expect to launch a real-money beta to the public sometime this week.
At the initial launch, we plan to offer nano-stakes no-limit hold’em and pot-limit Omaha (PLO) cash games only; we will certainly raise the stakes and consider other flavors (e.g. limit hold’em cash games, tournaments) as time goes on. Any of you that have done software development know it’s a healthy thing to roll out new features carefully, gently, and with due respect for Murphy’s Law.
And even though you didn’t ask, yes, it’s killing me that I can’t participate in the Zoom PLO games.
Zadnji popravljao Andre_787 (14-03-2012 20:49:10)
Zoom is not going out today. There's a 70% chance it will go out tomorrow (Friday, March 16th). If that doesn't happen, there is a 99% chance that it will go out Monday the 19th. I'm sure you're disappointed, as are we; we'd really hoped it would go out today. But of course it's infinitely more important that the feature work correctly - there's real money on the line here.
The first games we release are going to be 9-max and 6-max No Limit Hold'em and 6-max PLO, all three at $.01/$.02 stakes.
Yes, $.01/$.02. Again, this is the first roll-out for real money. Look, if we rolled it out at $2/$4 and something went Very Wrong, we'd look like idiots, because we would be idiots for making the inaugural roll-out at extremely serious stakes.
Well, when will the stakes go up?
When we're confident that everything is working smoothly and that we're not going to have a software error that costs us a few $100K. I will tell you folks: software development, like math, is hard.
jeeeej nl2 zoom
itssssss oooooooonnnn!!!!
al samo nl2 trenutno
zna neko dal se može HEM koristit?, meni ne importa hendove...
Bez HUD -a mi ne pada napamet grindat nl10+
vjerovatno kad izadje novi update...
itssssss oooooooonnnn!!!!
al samo nl2 trenutno
a nećeš se pohvalit?
Raj za SSS ... uđeš s 1$ na NL2 fast foldas dok ne dobijes neku dobru ruku gurnes all in dobijes call od big stacka koji ne postuje tvoj all in ( callaju s svakakim smećem) uduplaš se izađeš i ponovno uđeš s 1$ .... jer igras stalno na razlicitom stolu pa ti nemogu stavit da moras uci s kolko si izaso... 2 stola igrat i gg... nakupi se brzo BR za NL5 tamo je malo zajebanije jel nema bas tolko riba ...
je cool je ovaj zoom poker , nikad do sad nisam to igrao (Rush ) , baš jebeno.
- Zanima me jedno pitanje hipotetsko . recimo na btn otvorimo any2 i SB 3beta , ja stisnem fast fold . zanima me kako se to vidi na tom ekranu . kako moj potez vidi BB , ja pretpostavljam da on nema taj info da sam ja foldao već hand.
nadam se da ste razumili ovo preglupo pitanje
Zadnji popravljao ivica5261 (19-03-2012 15:20:10)
Sve znaš i opet pitaš
Mene zanima ako netko zna sa starog Rusha kolko se igrajući 4 stola 6max-a moglo hands/h odigrat i što se WR tiče kakav je odnos Rusha i običnih. Koje su prednosti Rusha u odnosu na normalne stolove?
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