Setting Up Stars for Zoom Tables
If you have UAC turned on you must set stars to run as admin otherwise the zoom hud will not work. If you have UAC off you dont need to configure anything, everything should work fine out of the box.
To do this please close HM2 and Poker Stars.
1) Go to C:\Program Files\PokerStars (Program Files (x86) for the 64bit version)
2) Right click the PokerStars.exe and choose “Properties”.
3) Go to the Compatibility Tab and select “Run this program as an Administrator”.
If this option is greyed out it is because the UAC is disabled and you basically running as admin so no need to change anything.
4) Please repeat steps 1-3 for PokerStarsUpdate.exe and also for holdemmanager.exe in C:\Program Files\Holdem Manager 2 (Program Files (x86) for the 64bit version) although holdemmanager.exe should be already set to run as admin by default.
Ovo su ti instrukcije za hem2, ali isto ti dodje i za hem1.I naravno moras imati zadnji update ako ti je orginal hem, a ako je krekovan neznam koja je zadnja crack verzija i da li ima verzija koja podrzava hud za zoom.