Evo samo da razjasnimo situaciju...
netko-sa-strane NIJE prevarant! Decka znam osobno,a ispostavilo se da ga i masterboy poznaje,tako da mogu cak reci da oboje mozemo staviti ruku u vatru da nije prevarant.
Ono na slovenskom forumu nije njegov account jer ga on nema tamo,ali poznaje dosta ekipe iz slovenije pa je frenda zamolio da stavi paket na prodaju umjesto njega.
Kao drugo,evo c/p mailova koji dokazuju da je paket prenosiv:
1) Od Pokersens supporta
Dear Robert,
Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Service and allowing us to be of assistance.
Regarding your request, please be informed that you are allowed to give the package to your close friend.
You have time until Thursday 6th of September to find a replacement. In case you do not notify the person responsible for this event in time to who the package will be put on you will be treated as a no-show.
The package cannot be exchanged for cash and we will not buy it back.
Once you found a replacement, please send the notification and details to emop@igt.com .
If you have any other questions, please contact us again.
Best Regards,
Customer Support Service
2) Od managera turnira
Let him be aware that he can give his package to a close friend of him.
Should he not notify me in time to who the package will be put on he will be treated as a no-show. He has until Thursday 6th September to find a replacement.
We will not buy back his package. No cashtrade is allowed.
Best Regards,
Sam Albemark
EMOP Project Manager | International Game Technology |
Box 7645 | SE-103 94 Stockholm | Sweden
Office: +46 (0)8.564.884.60
Mobile: +46 (0)738.707.160
Tako da ako ima zainteresiranih jos uvijek se mogu javiti.
Chuck Norris ima PFR>VPIP!