evo,ja cu staviti zeljin hand,bio je za stolom s jako dobrim slovencom pod nickom zgaga
PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Small Blind: t300
Big Blind: t600
Ante: t70
SB (t28796)
BB (t29002)
UTG (t43725)
UTG+1 (t48642)
MP (t56426)
MP+1 (t40014)
MP+2 (t12559)
CO (t42101)
BTN (t17376)
Preflop: (Pot is: t1530)
UTG & UTG+1 & MP & MP+1 & MP+2 fold, CO raises to t1350, BTN & SB fold, BB calls t750
Flop: (Pot is t3630, 2 players)
BB checks, CO bets t1766, BB raises to t4800, CO calls t3034
Turn: (Pot is t13230, 2 players)
BB bets t6600, CO calls t6600
River: (Pot is t26430, 2 players)
BB bets t16182 (All-In), CO calls t16182
BB shows
(Two Pair, Queens and Fives)
CO shows
(Three of a Kind, Fives)
Total Pot: t58794
CO wins t58794