(28 odgovora, objavljenih u Turniri)

mislim da je najveca greska bet na riveru. on tu ne moze imat nista, ocito je da nije pokupio neki monster kad padne 4 na riveru


(5 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker alati)

moras rucno pokrenut service od postgresqla. ne znam di se nalaze na win7, al na xpu ti je ovak desni klik ny my comp->manage->services and apps->services->postgresql->desni klik i start


(3 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

KQo 3betam ovisno o situaciji. u ovom slucaju imam fisha na bbu i bio bi grijeh 3betat

kakav bi flop vi c/r i koji vam je range za c/r ovog flopa? sta mislite koji mu je range za b/c ship?


(3 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

100 ruku 19/17 af 7, nemam readove


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.25
Big Blind: $0.50

BTN ($50)
SB (milac17) ($50.76)
BB ($29.07)
UTG ($67.62)
CO ($57.43)

Dealt to SB (milac17)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/QS.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.75)

UTG folds, CO raises to $1.5, BTN folds, SB (milac17) calls $1.25, BB folds

Flop: (Pot is $3.5, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png
SB (milac17) checks, CO bets $2, SB (milac17) raises to $6, CO calls $4

Turn: (Pot is $15.5, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KH.png
SB (milac17) bets $10, CO raises to $49.93 (All-In)

River: (Pot is $75.43, 2 players, 1 all-in)

Total Pot: $75.43 | Rake: $75.43


(301 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

ja bi 1. hand 4betao da mu das mjesta da zashipa smece


(234 odgovora, objavljenih u Naša ponuda)

povlacio sam ja, sve sljaka normalno


(7 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker alati)


nema na cemu decki  cool


(7 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker alati)

moze neki link na neki noiq mod, bole me oci od onog cuda


(11 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

da, ovo di je spusio s nizim flushem nije ruka prije toga neg u razmaku od par ruku, izmedu toga je proslo par normalnih ruku


(11 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

frajer je reg, na 600 ruku 26/23 af 3, 3b 7

river je ez fold?

2. ruku je odigrao orbitu prije protiv fisha, imao je Qhi flush (on je utg)

Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.25
Big Blind: $0.50

CO ($103.13)
BTN ($70.72)
SB ($50)
BB ($50)
UTG (milac17) ($90.2)

Dealt to UTG (milac17)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AH.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.75)

UTG (milac17) raises to $1.5, CO & BTN & SB fold, BB calls $1

Flop: (Pot is $3.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2H.png
BB checks, UTG (milac17) bets $2.5, BB calls $2.5

Turn: (Pot is $8.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2H.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png
BB checks, UTG (milac17) bets $6, BB calls $6

River: (Pot is $20.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/4S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/2H.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KD.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8H.png
BB checks, UTG (milac17) bets $14, BB raises to $40 (All-In)

Total Pot: $74.25 | Rake: $74.25


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.25
Big Blind: $0.50

CO ($54.48)
BTN ($100.19)
SB ($52.74)
BB ($239.86)
UTG ($64.77)
MP ($93.45)

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.75)

UTG raises to $1.5, MP & CO & BTN & SB fold, BB raises to $2.5, UTG calls $1

Flop: (Pot is $5.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png
BB checks, UTG checks

Turn: (Pot is $5.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5C.png
BB bets $4, UTG calls $4

River: (Pot is $13.25, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6S.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/JD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/6C.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/5C.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TC.png
BB bets $9.5, UTG raises to $58.27 (All-In), BB calls $48.77

BB shows
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/8C.png
(Flush, Ace high)

Total Pot: $129.79 | Rake: $3

BB wins $126.79


(301 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

nemoj gledat moram otvarat 23.27 na bu nego otvaraj koliko mozes i koliko ce ti bit profitabilno

imas u blindovima regove s 4% 3b i call 2% a dobio si 72o na bu. kaj radis? otvaras naravno. imas u blindovima rega i fisha koji folda na cbet 80% a dobio si J3o. kaj radis? rejzas. i to vrijedi za svaku poziciju. imas K7s na MP a u blindovima fisha 60/40, ez pfr


(386 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

brijem da se racuna (bet+rejz)/call neovisno o velicini i vpipu

kaj se tice TT, ja bi isto odigrao al brijem da je to krivo i da treba foldat flop big_smile


(18 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

naravno da sam callao, kak bi rekao rezultat inace big_smile

ATo. jebiga, tesko je to foldat..

roba - kaj se tice cbeta, moj equity ne igra ulogu (mada ne bi bilo lose imat neki) al sam callao zato jer mislim da mu mogu isfoldat sve osim Ax. ak on tu cbeta 22-AA, KQ, random 9Ts ruke, mislim da call nije toliko los


(18 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

mislim, stavio sam ruku jer ne zelim cut stvari tipa imas ful, prodaj kucu i stavi u pot. znam i sam da je ful mnogo jaka ruka big_smile

flop callam jer on ovdje cbeta valjda 100%. nisam siguran, al mislim da sam napravio gresku na turnu sa sizeom, zabrijao sam si balansiranje i slicne gluposti jer ga planiram dosta floatat i uzimat na turnu a i iskreno ocekujem c/f na turnu, no brijem da sam trebao spicit 12ak$ da naplatim TT-QQ s bojom. na riveru ne znam stvarno sto beatam. ak ima AQ, AJ - calla

edit: je, af je 1.7


(18 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

15/12/1.7 na 155 ruku, cbet 80, turn cb 0

jel bi foldali ikad?


Holdem Manager, No-Limit Hold'em Ring
Small Blind: $0.25
Big Blind: $0.50

CO ($73.01)
BTN (milac17) ($59.78)
SB ($59.25)
BB ($67)
UTG ($32.25)
MP ($106.01)

Dealt to BTN (milac17)
http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7D.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7H.png

Preflop: (Pot is: $0.75)

UTG calls $0.5, MP folds, CO raises to $2.25, BTN (milac17) calls $2.25, SB & BB & UTG fold

Flop: (Pot is $5.75, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png
CO bets $4.31, BTN (milac17) calls $4.31

Turn: (Pot is $14.37, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png    http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png
CO checks, BTN (milac17) bets $8, CO calls $8

River: (Pot is $30.37, 2 players)

http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/KC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AC.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/AD.png http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/7C.png   http://www.pokerpro.com.hr/forum/extensions/hand_history_converter/HandHistoryConverter/images/TS.png
CO checks, BTN (milac17) bets $22, CO raises to $58.45 (All-In)

Total Pot: $110.82 | Rake: $110.82


(16 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

3 stacka ~ 6$
monitor ~ 200$

eto kako.


(22 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

treba napravit poll s pitanjem ko misli da ce villian chekirat river


(9 odgovora, objavljenih u Literatura)

sta se isplati pogledat na dcu novijeg datuma?


(150 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

1. zasto bi donkao?

ez c/jam. betat ce sve 9x, strejtove, bdflush, Kx i blef

2. ja bi cekirao, ne vidim puno value


(150 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

AJ dobar, ship river ako calla

AQ cbet ~15

66 turn bi c/C

koji bzvz savjet, prestani igrat na tjedan-dva, a na 90k ruku total iznosi -100bi


(33 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

chillin napisao:


big_smile big_smile


(22 odgovora, objavljenih u Srednji limiti)

meni je AJ najjaci  :card_heart


(14 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

ipoker - nl50$€£ - 6max - 60k - 23/20 - 2.8k


(386 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

pa ak ti npr na svakom streetu b/f, onda najbolje cekat zadnji street i c/r. ionak neces callat turn c/r s necim sto neces 3barelat