(40 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

Sretan Bozic svim clanovima i vasim obiteljima zelim..


(787 odgovora, objavljenih u Pitaj profića)



(497 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

chillin napisao:

sretno,  i pomalo sa euforijom



(50 odgovora, objavljenih u Predstavite se)

gaston33 napisao:
BugsBunnyD napisao:
gaston33 napisao:

zini da ti kazem

AAAAAAAA big_smile ajde reci sada haha

slabo si zinuo

Post godine.


(20 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

Papakoder napisao:

a jel postoji glupi topic???

Glupo pitanje..


(20 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

Are there a lot of virgins in the Virgin Islands?

Are there any unguided missiles?

Are you telling the truth if you lie in bed?

Can a stupid person be a smart-ass?

Could crop-circles be the work of a cereal killer?

Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?

Day light savings time - why are they saving it and where do they keep it?

Do boxer shorts box?

Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?

Do crematoriums give discounts to burn victims?

Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?

Do fish get thirsty?

Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?

Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?

Do people in Australia call the rest of the world 'up over'?

Do pilots take crash-courses?

Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers?

Do steam rollers really roll steam?

Do vampires get AIDS?

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Do witches run spell checkers?

Do you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?

Does a man-eating shark eat women, too?

Does an analyst have to be anal? --Adam Rifkin

Does killing time damage eternity?

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?

Have you ever talked into an acoustic modem?

Have you ever wondered?

How can someone "draw a blank"?

How can there be self-help "groups"?

How come chocolate milk doesn't come from brown cows?

How come wrong numbers are never busy?

How dead is the Dead Sea?

How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign?

How do they get the "Keep off the Grass" sign on the grass?

How do you get off a nonstop flight?

How do you know if honesty is the best policy unless you've tried some of the others?

How do you know when you've run out of invisible ink?

How does a person with a lisp pronounce that word?

How does a thermos know whether a drink should be hot or cold?

How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?

How is it possible to have a "civil" war?

How is it possible to run out of space?

How long is the long arm of the law?

How many weeks are there in a light year?

How much can I get away with and still go to heaven?

How much milk is there in the Milky Way?

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was?

If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?

If a candle factory burns down, does everyone just stand around and sing "Happy Birthday?"

If a food processor slices and dices food, what does a word processor do?

If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his Walkman?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a picture of a thousand words worth?

If a pronoun is a word used in place of a noun, is a proverb a word used in place of a verb?

If a tree falls in the forest, does the earth scream out in pain?

If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?

If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go?

If all the world is a stage, where are the audience sitting?

If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green, and a lemon called a yellow?

If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?

If blind people wear dark glasses, why don't deaf people wear earmuffs?

If corn oil is made from corn, what is baby oil made from?

If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?

If everything is part of a whole, what is the whole part of?

If Fred Flintstone knew that the large order of ribs would tip his car over, why did he order them at the end of every show?

If God can do anything, can he make a rock so big he can't lift it?

If God dropped acid, would he see people?

If humans have nightmares, what do horses have?

If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath without getting wet?

If I save time, when do I get it back?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?

If man evolved from apes why do we still have apes?

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

If our knees were on the backs of our legs, what would chairs look like?

If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of?

If rabbits' feet are so lucky, then what happened to the rabbit?

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?

If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?

If Superman is so smart why does he wear his underpants over his trousers?

If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look like the way they do?

If tin whistles are made out of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?

If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?

If work is so terrific, how come they have to pay you to do it?

If you can wave a fan, and you can wave a club, can you wave a fan club?

If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?

If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?

If you didn't get caught, did you really do it?

If you get into a taxi cab, and ask the driver to drive backwards to your destination, will the cab driver owe you money?

If you jog backwards, will you gain weight?

If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?

If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?

If you tell a joke in the forest, but nobody laughs, was it a joke?

If you throw a cat out a car window, does it become kitty litter?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

If you're born again, do you have two bellybuttons?

If your car says Dodge on the front of it, do you really need a horn?

If you're a kleptomaniac, is there something you can take for it?

If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?

In court, why do they ask if you swear to tell the truth? If you're planning on lying, do they really think you'll tell them so?

Instead of wasting time hunting and cooking, why don't hunters just use flame-throwers?

Is a halfback more valuable than a quarterback?

Is an oxymoron a really dumb bovine?

Is duck tape made out of ducks?

Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?

Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

Is the nose the scenter of the face?

Is this bullshit or fertilizer?

Now that Microsoft is so big, should it be called Macrosoft?


(32 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

boboman napisao:

Srecom pa su misljenja kao supci  cool

Ne znam, volim ja kad su zene sportski gradjene i to sve, ali s obzirom da ova macka ima veci biceps i podlakticu od 90% foruma meni je to gnjusno, ne volim vidit tako izbildane trebe. Lijepa je u faci i sve to, ali sva ta njena zenstvenost pada u vodu kad obuce nesto s kratkim rukavima, bar meni.

Ovo .^. +++ (al nije bas da je gnjusno..)



(77 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)



(91 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

Hehehe to mi je oduvijek bio hendikep..A i jos sad ovo predbozicno vrijeme mi bas i nejde u korist sta se volumea tice..


(91 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)


Knez je sve sjebo,sad svi ostali grafovi izgledaju smijesno..


(21 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker serije, filmovi)

Tilt napisao:

AA i JTs mi isto nisu jasni, jer ne mora on ostavit 100k u jebenom handu, nek vidi flop, ako hita nuts, lako ce naplatit jos 50-60k sigurno jer ce svi vrsit pritisak na njega..

50-60k nece sigurno naplatit i  ak nutse pogodi jer pritisak na njega ce radit eventualno na flopu,a ak lik dogura i  do turna,tu ce sav pritisak prestat jer onda bi svima bilo kristalno jasno kakva je situacija..Vec je foldao AA i KK i to svi znaju,tak da ak u zadnjoj epizodi i odigra koju ruku (nisam jos pogledao),to sigurno nece biti velik pot..

Slazem se s ovime sta je tilt i jos netko gore rekao,mogu shvatit da folda aseve jer se samo zeli dogegat do kraja tjedna s ovom lovom koju je vec zaradio,ali ovo sa KK je trebao rirejzat williamsa i gurnut to unutra jer je ovaj bio short i tu bi vjerovatno lako pobrao extra 10-20k,a ako i nebi to nista ne mijenja jer je jos uvijek ispred onog crnog milfa..


(15 odgovora, objavljenih u Zabava)









(53 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

slavocar napisao:

to je to update ide svaki dan! smile

Da,dok ti ne dosadi,a onda update ide svako pola god..Klasika..

Sretno Slavo care!


(27 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

Ajoooj kakav sam glupan..Par sec videa pogledao bez zvuka i mislio da je cijelo vrijeme sam slika pa prekinuo.. tongue  tongue    Dobarrrrr.. big_smile


(27 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

chillin napisao:

Ovo je tak motivirajuce da sad idem u garazu,sjest u auto,upalit ga i zakrmit..


(8 odgovora, objavljenih u Sit and Go)


(64 odgovora, objavljenih u Projekti, izazovi, blogovi)

Mislim da se o tome pricalo i na drugom forumu..Evo c/p

"A profit u trackeru je i meni malo manji (1/2 BI mislim) a problem je u tome sto kad odigras zadnji hand morao bi ostat jos jedan hand a ne odmah otic sa stola jer onda taj zadnji hand nedostaje"..

Btw tek sam sad skuzio thread..Sretno i dalje s ovime..


(42 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker vijesti)

Tilt napisao:

tony G?


Nisam jos gledao dosadnu epizodu s njim za stolom..Lik je jednostavno kralj..

TonyG,Hellmuth,Ivey,Durr,Antonius,Galfond,Elezra,Esfandiari itd..

To bi bilo sjajno..


(787 odgovora, objavljenih u Pitaj profića)

Zagrij tu stolicu sad tak da se dimi iz nje..Sretno!


(33 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

Nemoj me krivo shvatit,zelim ti i dalje srecu i da nastavis ovako sa zaradom,ali glupo je reci da razvaljujes 10/20 na temelju jednog vikenda i lijepog plusa..

In b4

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sve sam izgorio,natkupi,bad beatovi,glupi igraci,tilt,rigged blablablabla..."


(33 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

Uplati loto..Brzo..


(44 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

Betfair je definitivno najbolja,pogotovo za singlove..Nesto tipa burza koeficijenata,a i fora je to sto sebe mozes stavit u ulogu kladionice..Bwin je najvece smece sa pretjeranom marketinskom kampanjom..

Btw. ovo iznad ^ o blogeru je glupost..Postoji milijun takvih blogova gdje svakakvi genijalci tvrde da zive od kladjenja,pogadjaju vise od 90% rezultata i sl. nebuloze,a vecina igra listice za 5 kn i hrane svoj ego kada na blogu pogode 1,40 koef.,pa im par slicnih kretena napise "bravo majstore", a zapravo tako samo zele ostavit link na svoj blog istog tipa..Smiceru i murinhu jedino dajem kolko tolko kredita jer su gadjali koeficijente preko 2 jedno vrijeme,al i to je davno otislo u kurac..


(5 odgovora, objavljenih u Predstavite se)

Definitivno meni jedan od drazih clanova na pokerici..Iako sam jazavac sta se turnirske igre tice,tvoji postovi su uvijek bili jako kvalitetni i gust za citat..Eto samo to..

Uglavnom pozdrav..


(386 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

Mislim da je fold skroz ok..Ne vidim slabije ruke s kojima bi ovako odigrao a njegov line mi izgleda kao jaci dvopar (AQ;AJ) ili mozda JJ..Tvoj line,2 barrela pa call kad te minrejza na turnu,izgleda prilicno jako tak da mislim da je ovaj njegov lead na riveru  gotovo uvijek za value..


(9 odgovora, objavljenih u Mali limiti)

I call pf je ok,imas poziciju i MP calla prije tebe a po stacku pretpostavljam da je riba..Bez greske odigrano..