(5 odgovora, objavljenih u Pitanja za početnike)

ptr nema veza sa programima kao sto su pokertracker i hem i ne tracka sve handove.
potrazi hem po netu ima crackana sigurno


(77 odgovora, objavljenih u Mali limiti)

zasto tako mali 3bet? ja bi najmanje dadno rejz od 2.50, i dadno bi vise flop.
as played neznam sta beatamo al uvijek dadnem call i uvijek dadne QK/AK


(17 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)



(7 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)

sick, genijalno odigrano od obojice, buy in full obv

odgovor od starsa

Hello Andrej,

Thank you for your email.  Your email was escalated to me as a member of the dedicated PokerStars bot mitigation team.

PokerStars is aware of recent discussions regarding bots on various online poker forums, and we agree that they are a serious challenge to online poker operators.

We recognise that these recent discussions have arisen as a result of allegations at other online poker sites.  Such specific issues are a matter for those other sites, and PokerStars has no comment on those specific incidents.

Instead, let us again confirm that the use of automated players (bots) is not tolerated at PokerStars. We prohibit such activity because we believe poker is a game that must be played by humans - humans making decisions, in a battle against other humans.

To detect bots, PokerStars has developed a database that contains a great deal of information purpose-built to determine whether an account is being operated by a human or not. This database includes detailed analysis of how players interact with the PokerStars software on a fundamental technical level. We use our experience in this area to profile various users, and to then make an informed judgment on whether they are using prohibited software.

We note that your email raised the possibility of PokerStars collaborating with our competitors on bot detection.  While we appreciate your point of view on this matter, we do not believe that our bot detection would be improved by working closely with other operators.  While there may be some short-term benefits to sharing such information, there are also substantial and fundamental long-term costs to such efforts. Such costs may undermine the fundamental operation of our bot detection efforts, and they include:

a) PokerStars wishes to maintain the high degree of trust that we can place in the data that we collect on this issue. Involving third-party operators may place this trust at risk. We need to gather such information ourselves because we need to be able to rely upon it's technical accuracy in court when we confiscate money from bot operators.

b) Many of our techniques to detect bots are valuable because they are confidential. Releasing such information to others may directly undermine our efforts to keep such information secure from those who may wish to use such data to operate bots themselves.

In addition to the bot-detection-specific reasons outlined above, security mechanisms operated by competitors in a free market removes the incentive for operators to further contribute to research and development.

We do not believe that there are any "quick fixes" to the fundamental issue of bot detection by online poker operators. PokerStars believes that the way to combat bots is for each operator to invest in the tools, procedures, policies and people to do it properly. PokerStars has made substantial investments in these areas (even hiring various individuals from online poker communities such as Two Plus Two who have a good understanding of these issues) and is continuing to invest appropriately.

If there is a particular PokerStars account that you believe might be a bot, then we encourage you to send further details, including the user ID and the reason you suspect the player of being a bot, to support@pokerstars.com at your convenience.  In the meantime, we will continue to work proactively to identify and take appropriate action against those that seek to break our rules on this important issue.

Please let me know if you need further assistance.


sa 2+2


izdvojite sekundu vremena, posaljite mail i mozda se pokrene sta


Poker bots are becoming a serious issue and threaten the viability of the online poker industry-wide. These bots are better than ever before and teams of really really smart people are working together in an effort to improve them even further. Poker sites need to take this very seriously and should work together to combat this issue as effectively and quickly as possible.

For online poker's future and for the benefit of everyone who is involved in this industry, I urge you to please collaborate with other networks/poker sites in developing ways to make poker bots more difficult to create and less effective. If you do not collaborate then you are not doing everything in your power to stop this epidemic.

A discussion on TwoPlusTwo's forums is ongoing about this issue with suggestions and ideas from other players: http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29...-know-1116939/.

Thank you for reading,
<your name>


http://ipoker.com/html/page/contact-us (Contact form)


(40 odgovora, objavljenih u Hvalisanja, porazi, varijanca)



(58 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

shacal napisao:

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ahhhhahahahahh najbolji hand review koji sam ikad cuo big_smile

rejz prije pozicije, hero bubne rirejz, dadne call big_smile
flop: kralj, sedam, tri, check, check, hero igra nesto malo vise od pola pota, francuz cak dadne rirejz, baca, hero call dadne

turn: sest, check, hero nesiguran pa check

river: sedam, villan igra vise od pota (pretjerano puno ubaceno u pot), hero razmislja... call

showdown: hero tptk, villan 73 off

mogu di stavit neki svoj hand i da mi da ovakav hh? big_smile big_smile


(58 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)



(62 odgovora, objavljenih u Zabava)



(51 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

ma nevjerujem da je esco.
ptr kaze da je headache na tom account igrao zadnji put 11.5 tako da nisam pogodio osim ako nema novi acc

ali jedno je sigurno: in b4 busto cool


(51 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

in b4 matan je headache


(58 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

dfable napisao:
Tilt napisao:
BoyFromBalkans napisao:

šta reći?


(51 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

countdown to busto, stay tuned!!


(6 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

dolazilo mi je prije i nisam imao problema, izgleda ok


(295 odgovora, objavljenih u Zabava)



(59 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

brt napisao:

zašto imam osjećaj da će za par sati osvanuti tema "moze par dolara na starse?" ili "prodajem bonove" tongue



(59 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

in b4 busto


(59 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)



(59 odgovora, objavljenih u Mali limiti)

ez fold


(49 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker alati)

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edit: grafove za cijelu godine totalno cudne baca iako kaze da je sve handove importao, poslije testiram hud i ovaj session tab se cini dobar sto je i najbitnije
editedit: sve ok sa grafovima sad


(9 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

daj wallpaper big_smile


(83 odgovora, objavljenih u Poker alati)

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(38 odgovora, objavljenih u Mali limiti)

o majko mila, iskreno bi mozda bilo da se ostavis pokera, ako je do zarade u pitanju trebat ce ti jos puno vremena da dodjes do nekog limita di mozes solidno zaradjivat, ako je ovo samo hobi mozda bolje da nadjes neki u kojem ces vise uzivat

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i opterecen si s tim minus tako da vec kad krenes igrat imas krivi mindset di lovis gubitak sto ce dovest do jos gubitka
1k handova je premalo da bi ista rekli o statsima.

nastavi tako ali smanji broj stolova, igraj 4 stola, ukljuci mozak i poslije stavi handove sta nije jasno


(30 odgovora, objavljenih u Ostala rasprava)

BoyFromBalkans napisao:

pogledaj od nikachua nesta demaskulajzing neki taki drek, ima 8 minuta predobar  video

Nikachu je nuts big_smile
like masturbating, everyone does it
noone talks about it big_smile