PokerStars, No-Limit Hold'em Tournament
Small Blind: t50
Big Blind: t100
UTG+1 (t720)
MP (t3125)
CO (t1620)
BTN (t1630)
SB (t1325)
BB (iPokerKid) (t3255)
UTG (t1825)
BB (iPokerKid) has M value 21.7
Dealt to BB (iPokerKid)
Preflop: (Pot is: t150)
UTG & UTG+1 & MP & CO & BTN fold, SB raises to t250, BB (iPokerKid) calls t150
Flop: (Pot is t500, 2 players)
SB checks, BB (iPokerKid) checks
Turn: (Pot is t500, 2 players)
SB bets t250, BB (iPokerKid) calls t250
River: (Pot is t1000, 2 players)
SB bets t405, BB (iPokerKid) calls t405
SB shows
(One Pair, Fours)
BB (iPokerKid) shows
(One Pair, Fours)
Total Pot: t1810
BB (iPokerKid) wins t1810