nICE_plAAy napisao:a ok je i da se Messinjo natrpa, da ti ubi ovog ivanovica u obrani
ali pazi sta cu ti rec, 1:0 za Chelsea
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PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Objave od Andre_787
nICE_plAAy napisao:a ok je i da se Messinjo natrpa, da ti ubi ovog ivanovica u obrani
ali pazi sta cu ti rec, 1:0 za Chelsea
out, najbolji hand koji sam imao AQo i 66 od parova, gg
evo me, hvala Tonciu na prenosenju poruke
stigao sam ranije nego planirao i bas sam usao u turnir. sretno svima
ja sam za, neznam za ostale kolege iz teama
znate sta ste radili i sad pitas jel mogu uzet account i novce... pa na kojem site igrate? ako ste na starsu mogo ti je prebacit preko money transfer, vjerujem da i ostali siteovi to imaju
kerpoker si ti u sahistima il ja?
ja sam za samo nisam siguran cu moc igrat ovaj turnir u nedjelju, mozda ulovim late reg. ostao kasnije bi sve trebao moc igrat
trebali bi se po gradovimo podijelit pa da se zapijemo odma istu vecer kad shipamo sve donkamente
zanimljivo zvuci, di se skupljaju ekipe?
not sure if beat or brag...
beat je stavljanje slika
move up!!
cold call od 15% je dosta velik i tu treba poradit. iako na ovom sampleu crushas sa 15bb/100 mislim da varijanca ima prse i nemoj postat presiguran u svoju igru
prevelika je razlika izmedju vppa i pfra sto znaci da ili limpas pf sto nije dobro ili previse cold callas sto se pokazuje na niskom wwsf jer post igras dosta fit or fold i kasnije se odrazava na red lineu koji ako je u minusu naravno nije leak al na ovom sampleu previse gubis na red lineu i postoje leakovi a prvi je da previse cold callas pre s vjerovatno dosta marginalnih handova i foldas postflop
sb uo pfr samo 25% mislim da bi tu trebao puno vise otvarati jer je poslije tebe ostao sam bb a na microsima ljudi ne brane jako blindove
stavi jos statse po pozicijama
mozda nesto krivo vidim ali kaze prizes won: $0, mozda imam premali monitor pa ne stanu sve nule
jebes ovo ja cu te stejkat za sve scoop i wcoop evente!
ne, mislim da nisu trackali ni rush
itssssss oooooooonnnn!!!!
al samo nl2 trenutno
Zoom is not going out today. There's a 70% chance it will go out tomorrow (Friday, March 16th). If that doesn't happen, there is a 99% chance that it will go out Monday the 19th. I'm sure you're disappointed, as are we; we'd really hoped it would go out today. But of course it's infinitely more important that the feature work correctly - there's real money on the line here.
The first games we release are going to be 9-max and 6-max No Limit Hold'em and 6-max PLO, all three at $.01/$.02 stakes.
Yes, $.01/$.02. Again, this is the first roll-out for real money. Look, if we rolled it out at $2/$4 and something went Very Wrong, we'd look like idiots, because we would be idiots for making the inaugural roll-out at extremely serious stakes.
Well, when will the stakes go up?
When we're confident that everything is working smoothly and that we're not going to have a software error that costs us a few $100K. I will tell you folks: software development, like math, is hard.
jeeeej nl2 zoom
Jel zna netko jel stigao ZOOM sa novim updateom?(ja ne updejtam starse stalno tako da ne znam).
alberto sa supporta siri lazi navodno izlazi do kraja tjedna
edit: omfg trebat ce im jos 34325235 godina dok stave normalne limite na zoom
Q: Okay, let’s get down to serious business. What’s the status with “Zoom” – the fast-paced ring game product?
A: As many of you are aware, we’ve been testing Zoom on our test site ( and on for a while now. We expect to launch a real-money beta to the public sometime this week.
At the initial launch, we plan to offer nano-stakes no-limit hold’em and pot-limit Omaha (PLO) cash games only; we will certainly raise the stakes and consider other flavors (e.g. limit hold’em cash games, tournaments) as time goes on. Any of you that have done software development know it’s a healthy thing to roll out new features carefully, gently, and with due respect for Murphy’s Law.
And even though you didn’t ask, yes, it’s killing me that I can’t participate in the Zoom PLO games.
zoom navodno dolazi danas!
lol tko je gmika rastrgao i zasto bi tebe rastrgali?
no money at cap rake is solid
al ozbiljno mislim rake je velik na cap stolovima, varijanca je veca nego na recimo 100bb cashu i osim ako ne peglas za sne zbilja ne vidim smisla igrat cap
PokerPro forum - Najveći hrvatski poker forum » Objave od Andre_787